M.18 Flight Captain  Guy Wilfrid 'Bill' Harben MBE 
 flag england b. 17 Jul 1906, Richmond, Yorks  11 Sep 1939 to Oct-45 


ata guy harben 





Ed. Charterhouse; FRGS

prev. Director of a greyhound track in Brighton; Director of Marlow aerodrome; Director of a tourist bureau.

A "most efficient and hard working pilot, with a keen sense of duty"

ata francis white whitehurst dlugazewski mollison harben feb 1942

Far right, with Frankie Francis, Frank White, Doc Whitehurst, Klemens Dlugaszewski, Jim Mollison in Feb-42.

On sick leave for 5 weeks in Mar-Apr 1941 after crashing a Hurricane in bad weather.

d. Sep 1982, Wycombe Bucks

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