Father: Alexander Guild, a hotel owner (d. 16 Mar 1914), Mother: Anne [Stoker] (d. 1923) RAeC Certificate 12273 dated 8 Sep 1934, taken at Portsmouth Aero Club prev. Fleet Air Arm (Temp Sub-Lieut RNVR from Nov 1939); Electrical Engineer Travelled to the US in May 1927 to visit a friend, Mr S M Hostler (presumably Sidney M Hostler, the supervisor interviewer for Los Angeles); returned April 1928 Address in 1940: 97 Vctoria Rd North, Southsea, Hants Postings: ---
Travelled back to the USA in Oct 1948 (in SS Queen Elizabeth) and applied for naturalization in 1951: "Harry Guild, 5909 Canyon Cove Drive, Hollywood, CA - a Lighting Engineer" Naturalization was granted in 1954
d. 3 Dec 1966 - Los Angeles Forest Lawn Memorial Park,Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles County, California, USA |