Father: Levy Bernard, a clothing manufacturer; Mother: Marie Next of Kin: (wife) Martha Bernard, 49 Avenue Lanterne, Nice, France 2 children, Micheline c. 1931, Nicole c. 1932 prev. Society of Industrial Construction of Aeronautics, Ministry of Defence; French Air Force 1922-39; RAF pilot (Flt-Sgt) at Odiham from 16 Jul 1940 Address in 1940: White Hart Hotel, Odiham, Hants Postings: - "MAP Refused Employment" "Air Ministry Approval Witheld" Sailed from UK to Buenos Aires, Argentina in Apr 1941, then to US Paul's US Registration Card, dated 16 Feb 1942. Employer: Bennie Schwabacher of Bessemer, AL He, Martha Michelline and Nicole sailed to the USA in 1949
d. 25 May 1978 - Neuilly-Sur-Seine, Hauts-De-Seine, France