M.105  First Officer Philip James 'Jimmie' Grenside 

 flag england

 b. 6 Dec 1907, Paignton, Devon  8 Apr 1940 to 30 Nov 1945 

  ata philip grenside 1935 1935  ata philip grenside JC ATA    


ed. at 'Public School'

ata philip grenside and madge 1934

m. 1934 Ellen Marjorie 'Madge' [Watson, LRAM], the daughter of the bloke that designed the Royal Yacht 'Brittania'. Children: George b. 1934 d. 2002, Hazel b. 1937, Lois and Tulip b. 1940

prev. a Flying Instructor

Address in 1940: 'Vril', Ramsden Rd, Godalming, Surrey (Madge's house)

Postings: White Waltham, 6FPP, 1FPP, 2FPP, 1FPP

Off sick from 2 Feb to 1 Jul 1943 with a fractured ankle

After a slow start ("Not very confident in bad weather conditions. Not one of my hardest workers, suggest you keep an eye on him in this respect"), he made steady improvement and became "a sound and hardworking ferry pilot. He flies well and is unduly modest about his ability which is greater than he thinks."

He did confess he "hated the sight of aeroplanes" for a while, after an accident in June 1940.

d. 8 Jul 1961 - Godalming, Surrey 

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