M.126 First Officer  Homi Nandbhoy Chothia  

flag british india

b. 13 Oct 1914, Bombay 1 Aug 1940 to Nov-43 

  ata homi chotia ATA      


Address: 174 Court Lane, Dulwich, London SE21

prev. pilot with Western Airways (BOAC)

In 1934, when he was 19, Homi had been fined 40 shillings, and ordered to pay witnesses expenses of 32s, for driving a car without due care and attention; he tried to overtake a lorry near Bank Bridge. Tarleton, and "as a result an approaching coach had run against the bridge wall to avoid a collision."

Postings: 1FPP, 2FPP

Flight Captain from Feb-42 to Oct-43, when he was demoted to First Officer: "was party to a breach of Standing Orders C47 and C38"

"He has had difficulty in winning the confidence of pilots under him, which has impaired his efficiency as a Flight Captain. ... his record as a pilot has been exceptionally good."


d. Dec 1982  - Bromley, Kent 

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