M.149 Flight Captain  José Maria Carreras 

flag spain

  b. 26 Aug 1906, Barcelona, Spain 5 Aug 1940 to 30 Nov 1945 

  ata jose carreras 1939 RAeC 1939  

ata jose carreras

Brief Glory



Father: Richard Carreras

Ed. "High School, Spain"

m. Maria Josefa [d. 2004], 2 children

prev. a Civil Engineer and pilot in Spain

Took his Royal Aero Club Certificate in a Tiger Moth at Luton Flying Club, on 4 May 1939.

Travelled to the UK from New York in December 1939.

Address in 1940: "Ardvana", 17 Ronaldsshaw Park, Ayr, Scotland

Postings: 4FPP, 3FPP

Certificate of Commendation: "On 22 Apr 1943, Flt-Capt Carreras was instructing on a Catalina aircraft. Through no fault of his own the aircraft crashed on to the sea and the crew were thrown into the water. F/O Gibbs lost an arm, and but for Flt-Capt Carreras's efforts would have lost his life. Flt-Capt Carreras also made the utmost efforts, but just failed, to save Flt-Engineer HFP Waldron from drowning, and helped other members of the crew to safety. He himself had experienced considerable shock and bruising."

3 accidents, none his fault.

"A pilot of considerable experience who sets a fine example to his fellow officers."

 "I spoke with 38-year-old Flight-Capt. Jose M Carreras, a stockily-built Spaniard from Barcelona, who has flown in various countries, and was with the Republican Army during the Spanish Civil War. He has been flying since he was 18. Capt. Carreras has ferried over 1,000 ‘kites” to all parts of the British Isles. His logbook tells an interesting story. He has flown 120 different types. over 2,000 hours, and 300,000 miles, since joining the A.T.A. in 1940." Daily Record, Oct 1945


 d. 20 Aug 1982 [age 75] - Epsom, Surrey


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