M.242  First Officer Clarence Edward 'Speedy' Goza 

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  b. 28 Mar 1910. Buda Texas 30 Aug 1940 to 29 Aug 1941 



Ed. at Texas University, Mechanical Engineering

Next of kin in 1940: Mother, Mrs M. L. Roberts, Box 545 Rt 5, Houston, Texas

m. Mar 1941 Kathleen Irene [Bewshear] and lived at 418 Wells Rd, Bristol 4, UK

Sailed to the UK from Montreal with fellow pilots Alexander Chase, Clyde Gray (M.244), Robert Perlick, Philo Pringle, Albert Robbins, and Gilbert Tobin.

Postings: White Waltham, Whitchurch

"Good pilot, prefers single-engine types; not too progressive, but vastly improved."

After a couple of forced landings early on, he had a lucky escape in Jun-41 when his Blenheim, flying in bad weather, hit a tree.

Sailed back to Montreal with fellow pilots Hubert Timmermans, Gilbert Tobin, Irving Nelson and Lewis Hunter.

d. 1 Aug 1947 from burns he suffered in the crash of a crop-dusting aircraft near Spartanburg, S.C. His plane, belonging to Roberts Dusting Co. of Fort Pierce, Florida, stalled after take-off and crashed on the farm of William Mitchell where he was dusting cotton.

ata clarence goza grave

Inman Cemetery, Inman, Spartanburg County, South Carolina

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