M.201  First Officer Trevor Bertram Birkett 

flag england

  b. 13 Dec 1912, Southsea, Hants  16 Oct 1940 to Aug-45

 ata trevor birkett 1936 1936      


Educated at Radley

Address in 1940: 12 High St, Portsmouth

prev. a Solicitor (Messrs Brutton Birkett & Walsh, 132 High St Portsmouth)

Postings: 4FPP, 4aFPP

His Feb-45 recommendation for promotion (he was briefly a Flight Captain) calls him "an officer who sets a very high standard of discipline ... during the past 12 months this officer has completed 364 hrs flying and has now flown all types of Class 5 aircraft, including Liberators.

He has spent 20 days on Accidents Investigation and I understand his work in this respect has been outstanding."

d. Jun 1983 - Portsmouth

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