M.219  First Officer Steven Calhoun Beville 

flag usa

  b. 10 Sep 1914, Gainesville, FL

7 Dec 1940 to 9 Dec 1941 

[367 days]


ata steve and bernadette beville findagrave.com





ata steve beville

m. to Bernadette [Dulin] [d. Mar 1990, Indiana]

Address in 1940: 836 Bauer St, Hammond, Indiana

prev. a printer, and airport operator

Postings: 1FPP

 "This pilot is absolutely first class & one of the keenest and hardest working in the pool."

d. 6 Jul 2000 - Indiana

"Veteran, Pilot. Flew the infamous P51 Mustang named "The Galloping Ghost" which won many of the Cleveland Air Races and Thompson Trophy Races. Former Spokesman for Kendall Oil. Married to Bernadette Dulin Beville for 56 years."

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