M.380 * 2nd Officer  Arthur 'Frank' Eayrs 
  flag england  b. 2 Aug 1893, Manton, Rutland  13 May to 18 Sep 1941 




 pre. a motor engineer; garage proprietor (Scott and Eayrs Limited, High Street and Melton Rd, Oakham)

m. 1925 in Uppingham, Rutland, Mabel E [Taylor]

RAeC Certificate 9050, taken at Nottingham Aero Club in 1930. His instructors were Keith Kendle Brown, then Reginald Lee Bateman up to September 1929, and then Ronald Thomas Shepherd.

Address in 1930: 2 Parkfield Rd, Oakham, Rutland


(r) at Tollerton; G-ACST in the background.

[G-ACST was a 1934 DH.60G III Moth Major based at Tollerton, which was sold in 1937 to Singapore, became VR-SBA in the Malayan VAF and was destroyed in 1941] 



This document confirms the end of Frank's ATA service on 18th September 1941; he received 3 months pay (£71 5s) in lieu of notice.

A note in his logbook says "approx 480 hrs in Hart, Audax, Gladiator, Swordfish, Anson, Oxford, Whitney Straight, Leopard Moth, Miles Magister, Tiger Moth etc." but this probably includes his pre-ATA hours.

"The information in our family was that his ATA flying had been cut short by a medical problem, possibly related to blood pressure."

"After the war he came back to flying.  He owned an Auster G-AHAH, and a Miles Whitney Straight G-AEUZ between 28 Feb 1948 and 15 Aug 1949"


d. 9 Jul 1965 - Rutland

His grandson kindly sent me the photos and information.

 * - ATA File Missing
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