Father: Jollie George Crawford, a Credit Manager for Peoples Outfitting Co; Mother: Marie A [Ramstain] Ed. Southwestern High School, Detroit; Detroit College of Law m. 8 Aug 1936 in Detroit, Genevieve 'Grace' R [Magalikski] (d. 2002) prev. Sewing Machine Dept of Sears Roebuck, Detroit prev. exp. 525 hrs
Address in 1941: 10200 Lakepointe Ave, Detroit, Michigan Postings: 6FPP 1 accident, his fault: - 12 Jun 1941, a heavy landing in a Hurricane after an error of judgement
Contract Terminated - "Inefficiency" Lieut in US Navy, 19 Jul 1943 to 22 Jun 1947 Still flying in 1948 - he and his passenger escaped unhurt after he crashed a twin-engined plane at the Municipal Airport, Jackson MI, after "both motors quit as he was circling the field"
d. 29 Sep 1986 - Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan Buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Eastwood, Kalamazoo County, Michigan