M.214 Flight Captain  Arthur Edward Henry Coltman 
 flag england  b. 25 May 1906, Leicester  1 Jan 1941 to 30 Nov 1945

 ata arthur coltman 1929 1929

 ata arthur coltman 1939 1939    


Ed. Narborough School; Leicester Technical College

m. 1932 Hilda [Hayward] (2 children before 1941)

prev. Motor salesman, and then pilot for Taylorcraft Aeroplanes, Syston, Leics

RAF Sergeant - Link trainer instructor, Jun-Dec 1940

prev. exp. 153 hrs

Address in 1941: 'Avion', 60 Edward Ave, Braunstone, Leicester (later 3 Derwent Ave, Streatley, Luton, Beds)

Postings: 6FPP

Instructor from Jan 1943

 with Suzanne Palmer Chapman (ATAM)


3 accidents, 2 his fault:

- 4 Apr 1941, he landed his Hurricane on grass instead of runway as instructed

- 24 Feb 1942, swung to port and wingtip struck the ground, after partial engine failure

- 8 Mar 1942, port undercarriage leg of his Hampden broke adrift on landing


"A willing and hard working instructor who fits his present job better than he would a ferry pilot ... his patience and placid temperament has undoubtedly been of great value in assisting backward pupils through the elementary stages of their training."


d. Sep 1997 - Market Harborough, Leicestershire

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