M.213 Flight Captain  Thomas James McOran Campbell 
 flag england  b. 15 Aug 1906, Plympton   21 Jan 1941 to Jun-42 (as pilot), then Technical Dept until Sep-44

 ata james mcoran campbell 1935 1935



Eldest son of Rear-Admiral George McOran Campbell, C.M.G.

Address in 1941: 'Jacques', Pipers Lane, Harpenden, Herts

Educated at St Edwards, Oxford; BA (Eng), Cantab

prev. 2nd Lieut, Royal Corps of Signals Aug 1926-Nov 1929, then an Aeronautical Engineer and pilot

m. Jean Emily [Mitchell] in 1928 (d. 1976)

(3 children before 1941)

 Postings: 1FPP, 2FPP, 4FPP, 4aFPP, 6FPP, 15FPP

"A hardworking and methodical pilot, and a good officer."

"(Jan-42) Has done very little flying as a pilot lately, as he is employed on the engineering side on Liberator training."

"This officer's work on the collection of data for and the writing of handling notes is of a very high order. He is a very hard worker and has put in exceptionally long hours."

In May 1955, Flight reported: "Another Bristol appointment announced last week was that of Mr. James McOran Campbell as senior technical representative in Pakistan ... In pre-war years Mr. Campbell was with de Havillands and Imperial Airways, and during the war flew as an A.T.A. pilot, later becoming a Hawker production flight development engineer and test pilot. He joined the Bristol engine division in 1951."

d. 4 May 1990 - Plymouth: a "much loved father, grandfather and great-grandfather... A very special and Christian life, greatly missed by all of us."

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