M.----  Part-Time Pilot  Lieut-Commander John Hook Griffin USN
 flag usa  b. 3 May 1904, Charleston, SC 2 Mar 1941 to 6 May 1941 




m. 29 Dec 1934, Elizabeth Marsden [Smith, d. 1988], 2 children

US Naval Aviator #3592 (1930)  

prev. exp. 3,000 hrs

 From 1940, attached to Scouting Squadron 2 (USS Lexington)

 Part Time Pilot

Address from 1944: 195 Hanover St., Annapolis, MD (his father's house)

Appointed as Senior Naval Member of the joint U.S. Defense Board in 1951.

 In 1973, he withheld $74.83 in taxes due to Anne Arundel County, Maryland due to what he called an "unfair tax differential."

 ata john h griffin 1980 1980 - still fighting the county over tax

d. 12 May 1998 (age 94) - Annapolis, MD 

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