M.314 First Officer  Percy Cecil Golding 
 flag england   b. 3 Dec 1911, Plymouth

1 Mar 1941 to 31 Dec 1945

[1,766 days]


 ata percy golding

 ata percy golding 2 ATA    


"Second finger right hand malformed"

Ed. at Devonport College, Plymouth

m. 1939 Adelaide B [Stephenson]

prev. an 'Official' in Sun Life Assurance Society, and 1 year in 'a Banking Firm'

RAF Sergeant Pilot from 17 Sep 1939 to 21 Jan 1941

Address in 1941: 37 Bemberley Avenue, then 114 Hurst Grove, Bedford

Postings: 6FPP, 1FPP

He was absent for 4 months in 1944 due to a motor accident, and suspended for 7 days without pay in Sep-45 for 'Low Flying'.

"A keen pilot who I think is apt to underestimate his own ability", or "Had some difficulty at the commencement of training apparently due to the fact that he considered the Halifax an easy proposition."

One of the very last batch of pilots to leave the ATA at the end of WWII.

After leaving the ATA he lived at 53 Philpotts Avenue, Bedford, and became a civil pilot.

G AHFI http://www.cbfsim.co.uk

d. 15 Mar 1949 at Gatow Aerodrome, during the Berlin Airlift (26 Jun 1948 – 30 Sep 1949).

He was the pilot of Skyways Avro York G-AHFI, which lost control while approaching Gatow; the port wing dropped and the aircraft dived into the ground. Two other Skyways staff - co-pilot Henry Thomas Newman and Radio Operator Peter James Edwards - also died.

henry thomas newman 1946 Henry Thomas Newman in 1946, aged 22

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