W.38  Flight Captain

Hon. Mrs Lucy Agnes Vera Falkiner 

flag england  b. 1 Jan 1905, Stanford  1 Apr 1941 to 31 Dec 1945


(by Bassano)

  lucy_falkiner_1938.jpg RAeC 1938    


née Verney Cave

Father: Adrian Verney Verney-Cave, Lord Braye, Mother: Ethel Mary [Bouverie-Pusey], of Stanford Hall, Swinford, Rugby

Ed. Convent, St Leonards on Sea


"The Hon Lucy Verney Cave as Miss Neville in Goldsmith's comedy 'She Stoops to Conquer' performed by Girl Guides in the Church Hall in Lutterworth. They gave a very entertaining performance of thes delightful old play"

 with her brother, the Hon. Thomas Adrian, at the 'Lincoln Stuff Ball' in 1930

[one of many many balls, dances, society weddings, etc, etc that she attended]


m. 1935 in Bosworth, Lucien Leslie Falkiner "of the 43rd Light Infantry... both families are well-known in the Midlands and they are slightly related"


 Capt. Falkiner d. 30 May 1940 in France


prev: WAAF from 23 Nov 1940; Assistant Section Officer, based at Wittering, Northants

prev exp: 14 hrs on Avro Cadet, Tiger Moth, Hornet Moth


 Postings: 5FPP, 12FPP, 9FPP, 1FPP

Off sick from 6 Oct 1942 to 30 Mar 1943 with 'nervous overstrain'

7 accidents, 2 her fault:

- 29 Mar 1942, flying Master I N7552, she found it difficult to select 'Flaps Up' and accidentally released the hood

- 14 Apr 1942, she couldn't get the flaps or undercarriage to lock down in a Hurricane

- 7 Jul 1942, the propeller of her Master I N7482 was discovered to be bent after she parked it, cause unknown

- 4 Jul 1943, she landed Master II EM329 with complete engine failure, due to the servicing cock under the port fuel tank being turned off

- 14 Jul 1943, she failed to control the landing swing of Hudson III FH373 and damaged the port wing

- 10 Nov 1943, the hood blew off her Spitfire VIII JG379 on take-off when she tried to close it, damaging the tailplane

 - 15 Jun 1945, forced landing in Mosquito XXX MV527 after a serious oil leak in the port engine


"A good, very steady and extremely careful pilot, who has an excellent influence on the junior pilots"

d. Mar 1980 - Cirencester


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