M.482  First Officer Clyde Cecil Foreman 
flag usa  b. 6 Jul 1911, Nowata OK  6 Apr 1941 to Apr-43 




Address in 1941: 6340 Community Drive, Houston, TX

prev. a private in the National Guard 165 Field Artillery, 1927-30, then charter work for the oil business - Air Activities Inc., based in Houston

Postings: 1FPP, 14FPP

After losing all his things on the SS Nerissa, the ATA bought him a new set, at a total cost of £89 7s 6d. It included a pipe and a watch (Second Hand):

ata clyde foreman nerissa list (click to enlarge)

"A good, keen and hardworking pilot who has carried out all his work most satisfactorily."

 Download ATA Pilot Personal Record (.zip file):download grey

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