M.455  First Officer Alexander Dickie Ferguson 

flag scotland

  b.3 Nov 1912, Glasgow  1 May 1941 to 30 Nov 1945




Educated at Fettes College, Cranwell College

RAF Pilot Officer Sep-31 to Apr-34, 111(F) Sqn RAF Hornchurch flying Siskins and Bulldogs

m. 1943 Denise Germaine [Dartnall] in Maidenhead

an Instructor in Air Navigation, for Air Schools Ltd.

Address in 1941: 26 Weymouth Mews, Weymouth St., London N1

Postings: 6FPP, 3FPP, 4aFPP, 4FPP 5FPP, and AFTS as instructor

"An excellent officer and reliable pilot", but developed "a rather worrying disposition and would probably overcome this if he mixed more with his collleagues."

d. 3 Apr 1986 - Bournemouth, Hants

"Elder son of the late Professor and Mrs A R Ferguson of Cairo and Edinburgh and father of Christopher." The Times [actually Christian A J Ferguson, b. 1947]

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