Father William B. Fulton, a farmer; mother Rosa B [Rigney] [d. 1969] prev. "Flying for Pleasure" prev. exp. 300hrs Postings: 16FPP "A good average pilot": "An enthusiastic pilot, steady in temperament."
d. 11 Oct 2017, Decatur IL His obituary in the Decatur Herald and Review reads: " Dale R Fulton, 96, of Pierson Station, IL passed away at 8:20 a.m. at Decatur Memorial Hospital, Decatur, IL. At age 17 Dale's parents got him his first airplane which led to a long carreer of flying. He ferried planes from factories to fighter fields in England during the war. In 1942 he signed on with Transcontinental and Western Air, which became TWA.The company had a contract with the government to fly transport planes and they needed pilots. His mother received a draft notice, but he was already serving in the Air Transport Command. In 1946 Dale won the first place trophy at the Soho National Air Races in Cleveland, OH, his average speed was 352 mph. Dale went to work as an international pilot for TWA after World War II. While working he flew around the world on a monthly basis for many years. He also served as a test pilot and did engineering for TWA at their Kansas City hub. At the time of his retirement in 1981, Dale was #2 on the seniority list at TWA. Dale returned to the family farm full time in 1981 and continued to plant and harvest the crop yearly until retiring in late 2014.. He was on the board of directors at the State Bank of Hammond from 1981 until his passing. Dale was a very generous man who would do anything to help anyone. He loved animals and would feed any stray that came along." http://www.hilligossshraderfh.com/obituary/dale-fulton Download ATA Pilot Personal Record (.zip file): |