M.556 First Officer  Kenneth Walter Fogelberg 

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 b. 25 Nov 1914, Chicago IL  22 May 1941 to 21 May 1942




Father: Wilfred Fogelberg (Swedish, naturalised American); Mother Ida Olsen

Had a sister, Ella M Johnson

Ed. Lake View High School, Chicago (4 yr Diploma)

m. 1941 Jeslyn Margaretha [Stark, d. 2013]; 3 children post 1941

Jeslyn Stark in 1940 Jeslyn in 1940

prev. own laundry business, and aviation charter work.

prev. exp 740 hrs

Address in 1941: 922 Gordon Terrace, Chicago, IL

[His brother-in-law Elwood Walmsley was in the ATA from Feb-41 to Jan-42; he was married to Jeslyn's sister Laverne.]

Postings: 1FPP

Offf sick from 30 Sep to 14 Nov 1941 with 'post trauma debility', after he stalled and undershot a landing in a Hurricane.

"A keen and hard-working pilot. Flying ability above average."

He travelled back to Montreal on 18 Jun 1942 with his fellow American ferry pilots James Ansley, Clay Steffee, John Morrison, Stuart Updike, Russell Gibson, Keith Williams, Russell Gates, Nicholas Pickard, William Ressegger, and Clarence Conner.

From 1956  he ran a store selling "childrens wear, toys, and juvenile furniture" in the Eden's Plaza Shopping Center, Wilmette, Chicago.  

 d. Apr 1967 - Chicago

buried Mount Olive Cemetery

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