M.457  First Officer  Anthony Carpenter

flag england

 b. 4 Sep 1913, London 27 May 1941 to Jun-43 

 ata anthony carpenter 1936 1936

 ata anthony carpenter ATA    


Educated at Caterham School

m. 1940 Ruby Violet [Haines]

RAeC Certificates in 1936 (in an autogiro) and 1938

prev. A/C erection foreman, Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd

Address in 1941: 289 Alleseley Old Rd, Coventry

Postings: 6FPP, 3FPP

"A keen and conscientious officer, inclined to be a little slow."

vickers wellington

d. 21 Jun 1943 (Died in ATA Service) - Wellington XIV HF136 crashed and burnt out at Hawarden. Port engine lost power immediately after takeoff, due to an electrical short-circuit which caused the port propeller to feather.

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