Father: Ford Gates, mother Essie [Martin] Ed. Grammar School, Lake Forest IL prev. private flying for 8 years. Trucking Business. Address in 1941: R.F.D. Route 2, La Grange, IL m. and she lived at 4 Park Avenue, Prestwick then 26 St Augustine Avenue, Croydon Postings: 4aFPP, 6FPP Off sick from 12 Dec 41 to 5 Mar 42 with appendicitis. "An officer who could never be relied upon to do much, owing to a great amount of sickness he had during the period of his attachment to this Pool." He travelled back to Montreal on 18 Jun 1942 with his fellow American ferry pilots James Ansley, Clay Steffee, John Morrison, Stuart Updike, Russell Gibson, Keith Williams, Kenneth Fogelberg, Nicholas Pickard, William Ressegger, and Clarence Conner. US Military 1943-46 d. 3 Oct 1998 - Sarasota, Florida Download ATA Pilot Personal Record (.zip file): |