father: also Peter Andreas Bertram [originally from Denmark, naturalised 1922], owner and operator of the Mattoon Butter Co., d. 1965 Ed. High School, Monmouth IL m. 1945 Ellen Rose [Huckleberry], 1 daughter (Linda Lee) prev. a ferry pilot and inspector at Piper Aircraft Corp. Lock Haven , PA Address in 1941: 846 4th St, Charleston, IL d. 24 Feb 1989 - Fort Myers, FL
"Peter A. Bertram Jr, moved here 17 years ago from Charleston, Ill, and he had owned and operated the Beach View Cottages on Sanibel Island. He served as Captain in the Air Transport Auxiliary of the RAF of England from 1940 to 1945 [sic]. Mr. Bertram was a member of the Sanibel-Captiva Power Squadron, and was a former member of the Sanibel Chamber of Commerce, the Hotel and Motel Assoc of Lee County, and the Charleston Rotary Club of Charleston, Illinois." News-Press, Fort Myers FL Download ATA Pilot Personal Record (.zip file): |