M.475  Flight Captain  Norman Lambert Hayman

flag england

  b. 8 May 1916, Cranleigh, Surrey 4 Jun 1941 to 30 Nov 1945 

ata norman hayman 1945 RAeC 1945      


Father: Gordon Victor Hayman

Educated at Cranleigh School

prev. Lieut. in RNVR Feb-39 to Feb-41

Next of Kin: (mother) Winifred Agnes Hayman, Caryll House, Okehurst, Cranleigh

m. 1943  Beatrice Glanley 'Betty' Grant also of the ATA, although they appear to have separated sometime before 1947.

Postings: 6FPP, AFTS (as Instructor), 1FPP, 7FPP

Demoted to First Officer in Mar 1943 for flying a Halifax without authority; he ferried it "without full uniform, money, travel vouchers, identity card or correct kit" and then had to stay overnight at an RAF station.

"A most willing, conscientious and sound pilot who has flown a great numbers of hours for this Unit."

 Posted to Air Movements Flight in Mar 1944 - "it is felt that, due to his overkeeness, he would be more suited to the Air Movements Flight... as it would leave him more to his own initiative." "His manner is courteous and pleasant."


Post-WWII, Norman entered the 1947 Manx Air Races and Rally, flying G-AHIZ, a Beechcraft Traveller belongning to Sidney Rubin of Hindhead.

He also took a round-trip by ship to Madeira in January 1949, giving his occupation as a 'Company Director' and his address the Royal Aero Club, Pall Mall.

[In September 1949, his wife Betty and her mother sailed to South Africa, apparently intending to settle there, but they returned in July 1950.]

d. 3 Jul 1951 - Cranleigh

Probate £8,624 18s 2d for "Norman Lambert otherwise George Norman Hayman"

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