M.699 *   Edward Leslie Barrington M.C., D.F.C.
flag england b. 23 Jun 1895, Harborne, Stafford 4 Feb 1942 to 19 Oct 1943 




Awarded the Military Cross 26 May1917 as a 2nd Lieut (temp Captain) in the Devon Regiment, "for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He succeeded in establishing telephonic communication with the front line almost immediately the objective was reached. He set a splendid example of courage and determination."

Later joined the RFC and RAF.

 Flt-Lt in RAF in 1924, later Sqn-Ldr

One accident:

- 27 Jul 1943, in Hellcat FN324; "during take-off the aircraft swung to port and sruck the marking post on a cart working out of sight over the crest of the runway"

d. 1976 - Cheltenham, Glos

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