W.65  First Officer Virginia 'Ginny' or 'Ginna' Farr 
 flag usa    b. 15 Nov 1918, Groton MA 10 Feb-42 to 5 Jun-45 

 Virginia Farr

 ata virginia farr 1942  ata virginia farr 1942  


 Ed. Chatham Hall High School, VA

prev: Flight Instructor (Bennett Airport, NJ)

prev. exp. 300 hrs

She made a five-month tour of Europe with two friends between March and August 1939, and said afterwards that "in travelling through Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium and Holland [she] noticed that the residents 'scoff' at threats of war, go about their business as usual and believe themselves in no imminent danger."

 Address in 1942: 572 Prospect Ave, West Orange, NJ (grandmother's house)

 She met Eleanor Roosevelt in October 1942, who complimented her on her "trim appearance."

Off sick from 7 Oct to 3 Nov 1942 with influenza

Suspended for 1 day in July 1943 for turning and taxying down the runway in use.

vivien jeffery 1939 Vivien Jeffery in 1939

In 1979. "Virginia and her English friend and partner Vivien Jeffery, the [former ATA] Operations Officer, live on a ranch in California and raise cattle, Siberian Huskies and Welsh Corgis."

d. 1988

buried  Essex County, NJ



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