W.81 First Officer   Maureen Adele/Adel/Adela Chase Dunlop
flag UK -     b. 26 Oct 1920, Quimes, Buenos Aires  15 Apr 1942 to 30 Nov 1945

 maureen dunlop 19452  RAeC 1945

  Yes, that picture, 1944  ATAM   


Father: Eric Chase Dunlop, an Estate Manager; Mother Jessimin May [Williams]

Ed. 'privately'

Postings: 6FPP, 15FPP

Class 3 pilot

2 accidents, neither her fault:

- 21 May 1943, the starboard wing of her Seafire brushed the ground during take-off, due to rough ground and failure of the throttle friction device

- 10 Jan 1944, the starboard gun inspection panel of her Hurricane partially detached in flight.


m. 1955 "retired Romanian diplomat" Serban (Şerban) Victor de Popp

Moved to Diss, Norfolk, UK, breeding Arab horses

d 29 May 2012 - Norfolk




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