Father: John Porter Godwin, from Cordell OK ed. 4 yrs High School, 2 yrs Dramatic Art at Dallas Academy Learnt to fly in 1929 in Oklahoma; "I am confident my future is in aviation and am willing to give up almost anything to get ahead in it", she said. prev: clerk; secretary of the Oklahoma section of the 99 Club of women pilots launched in 1929 by Amelia Earhart; barnstorming and aerobatics displays 2nd woman in Oklahoma to get a transport pilot rating, in 1937 prev. exp 380hrs Next of kin: (sister) Mrs Marcia O Mills, 216 Congress Ave, San Antonio TX Address in 1940: 3350 16th SNW, Washington DC (previously 1929-1941, 902 E Dr, Oklahoma City) Arrived from Nova Scotia on the 29 June 1942 with fellow ATA women pilots Peggy Lennox and Mary Zerbel; on joining the ATA, Una said she was anxious to rejoin her friend, Grace Stevenson. One accident: 27 Aug 1942, when her foot slipped off the rudder when landing a Hart, causing a ground loop [Contract Terminated by ATA - unlikely to become an efficient ferry pilot] Returned to the USA to find that she was over the age limit for WASP training, and so joined the Womens Army Corps in April 1944 as a Private and was stationed in Florida as a Link Trainer, until being demobbed in Sep 1945.
In 1944 she said "Personally I have no post-war plans for flying. I'll fly for entertainment, but like many other trained women pilots, I'll take a back seat in the paying flying positions to make way for the men." Moved to San Antonio in 1976
d. 4 Mar 1978 - San Antonio, Texas