Father: William A Allen, mother Jeanette Ed; Hawthorne High School, American School in Tokyo, Columbia University, NYC prev. Mechanical Dept, Curtiss Propeller One of the original members of the 99 Club of women aviators. She and her mother had visited the UK, in 1930 prev. exp. 325 hrs Address in 1942: 70 Warren Ave, Hawthorne, NJ Postings: 15FPP One accident: - 12 Sep 1942; she overshot her landing in a Hart, applied the brakes too harshly and the aircraft turned over. Off sick from 22 Sep to 5 Oct 1942 with bronchial catarrh, and 18 Nov 1942 to 7 Feb 1943 with 'post-operation debility' m. 23 Aug 1945 in St Louis MO, Major Joseph Watkins Carter, US Army Signal Corps. They met in London and had been engaged since Christmas Day 1942. They divorced sometime before 1953. After ATA, Myrtle served with the WASPs. but went to stay with her husband in Italy from 5 Nov 1946 to 14 May 1947, and then spent two years in Japan, 1951-53 m. 1953 in Paterson., NJ, Carl Henry Willer Later a secretary with the US Treasury Dept; moved to Florida in 1965 from Washington DC. d. 10 Jun 1966 - Tampa, FL (Age 49)