M.793 First Officer  John Caister Cooke 
   b. 26 Jan 1908, Spalding 16 Sep 1942 to Nov-45 

 ata john cooke 1938

 ata john cooke 2 ATA    ATAM  


MA Oxon

prev. a Maths Lecturer, Raffles College Singapore;

Flt Lt. in the Malayan Volunteer Air Force, Sep-40 to Aug-42

Postings: 3FPP, 7FPP, 16FPP

"A sound pilot of good average ability who made rapid progress."

later published several aeronautical engineering papers, e.g. "Supersonic laminar boundary layers on cones, (Aeronautical Research Council. Current papers, no. 1063)" (1969)

d. Sep 1991 - Dover, Kent



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