father: William Charles Surry Abrams, mother Elizabeth Louise [Budden] prev: Secretary with Imperial Airways; ambulance driver prev. exp. 8hrs 35min on Gypsy Moth Address in 1942: 95a Coombe Lane, Bristol Postings: 5TFPP, 15FPP "This pilot came to ATA with very little experience. She worked hard in Class I flying and reached a good standard. She should make a useful ferry pilot and a good officer" One accident: - 8 May 1943, her Spitfire Vb AD555 landed with flaps up, overshot and was seriously damaged after she felt unwell during the circuit
m. 1943 Flt-Sgt Philip Lindley Hanson-Lester, RAF, prev. a theatrical producer (2 children Phillip b.1944, Taniya b. 1946, marriage dissolved)
Off sick from 8 Sep 1943 - Contract Terminated Feb 1944 m. 1956 in Cheshire, Philip Rodney Wallis Robinson
"Like many of her generation she sees nothing special in what she did"
d. 18 Aug 2017 - Morgannwg House Care Home, Brecon, Wales
Her granddaughter Taniya Morris told me "You may have noticed my name & the unusual spelling of ‘Taniya’. My mother & I were named after Taniya Whittall who is also on your list of ATA pilots. I was also a military pilot - serving 17 years in the Army, flying Gazelle & Lynx helicopters in the Army Air Corps & commanding 652 Sqn AAC. So it runs in the family!"