M.734  First Officer Frank Hill 
 flag england  b. 14 Oct 1912, Great Yarmouth  31 Mar 1942 to 20 Mar 1945

   1935 RAeC

   ATA    ATA  

Father: Frank Powell Hill, mother Edith Caroline [Brewer]

Ed. Bishops Stortford College

prev.  Confectioner, Cake Maker and Caterer

prev. exp. 86 hrs in Gipsy and Cirrus Moth, Hornet Moth

In 1933, as a result of a motorcycle accident, his left leg was amputated between the knee and ankle... "as I learnt to fly in 1935 you will see that all my flying has been done with this disability"

m. 1938 Marjorie Muriel [Clogg]

He spent 1939 and 1940 as a volunteer in the Finnish-Russian War

Address in 1942: Blue House, Warren Lane, Hopton, Gt Yarmouth

 Postings: 7FPP, 3FPP, 6FPP, 9FPP

 Reprimanded in Jul 1944 for "Taxying with insufficent care"

 "Although of a quiet nature, he seemed very keen to do his job and this he carried out in a satisfactory manner ... safe and conscientious"

"A most reliable and cheerful officer who has become the mainstay of the Pool (9FPP)"


6 accidents, only one his fault:

17 Mar 1943, forced landing in Henley L3244 due to progressive engine failure

5 Jun 1944, the port tyre of his Typhoon JR205 burst, he swung of the runway and ground-looped, and the undercarriage collapsed

10 Jul 1944, the incident which led to his reprimand - he taxied Hurricane IV LF451 into an (unmarked) heap of gravel and cement bags. Flying Control was jointly held to blame

13 Oct 1944, a forced landing in Vengeance RB539 after the port escape panel blew off in flight

7 Feb 1945, another forced landing, in Typhoon Ib RB476, after a leak covered the windscreen with oil

janes anson

d. 20 Mar 1945 (Died in ATA Service) - in Anson I DJ471 (passenger James Waldron Brown, also killed) which collided with Typhoon JP433 at RAF Aston Down, Glos.

Both aircraft were approaching to land, but neither pilot could see the other, and the Typhoon struck the Anson from behind and above.


Buried Hopton St Margaret Churchyard, Gt Yarmouth


"My great burden has been eased by the glowing tributes paid to my husband" Marjorie M Hill


The £2,500 insurance was paid to Marjorie on 30 April 1945.

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