M.975  3rd Officer Gerard Burnett 
 flag usa  b. 3 Oct 1920, Racine, WI  31 May 1943 to 31 Oct 45

 ata gerard burnett 1945



 [ab initio]

prev. an ATA Ground Engineer from 1942; an ab initio pupil who "took to flying easily, particularly in Class 1 and 2."

Postings: 1FPP, 5FPP, 8FPP, 4FPP

Certificate of Commendation "for displaying exceptional airmanship. On 15 Nov 44 he landed his aircraft in a small field after hydraulic failure had filled the cockpit and sprayed him with a large quantity of hydraulic fluid possessing powerful anaesthetic properties."

"A keen pilot who has settled down to doing a very good job."

2 accidents, one his fault.


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