W.122  3rd Officer  Eleanor Dorothy 'Beanie' Fish
 flag england   b. 15 Oct 1917, Nottingham 1 Jun 1943 to 30 Sep 1945 

 dorothy fish ATA


ata eleanor fish ATA



Father: George Fish (a Master Butler); mother: Dorothy

Ed. Nottingham High School and RIBA, London

prev: Architect (Eberlin and Derbyshire Architects), then architectural assistant for the ATA from Jan 1942

Address in 1943: 14 Vivian Ave, Nottingham

Ab initio trainee

Postings: 5FPP, 15FPP, 12FPP, 6FPP

2 accidents, 1 her fault:

- 2 Dec 1944, a forced landing in Argus I FK345 after engine failure

- 12 Dec 1944, flying Spitfire IX TA780, she was reprimanded when she "persisted in landing well up the runway, knowing there was another aircraft in front of her. She collided with this other aircraft and was held to blame by the Accidents Committee"

m. Sep 1945 in Nottingham, 3rd Officer (Flt-Eng) Bernard K Wadsworth, also of the ATA

 ata dorothy wadsworth 2019 2019


d. 21 Dec 2020, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk


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