nee Reid Ed. Rosedean, S Africa, and Witwatersrand University m. Jan 1943 in Chelsea, Sub-Lt Alan James Bowyer, an artist who served with the Royal Navy throughout the war
Address in 1943: 2 Manor Court, Hemus Court, London SW3 Next-of kin changed from her husband to Mrs M Rivett-Carmac, Walnut Tree Cottage, 1 St Johns Rd, Wimbledon, then to (sister-in-law) Mrs Spreadbury, Battersea Off sick from 7 to 23 Jan 1944 with influenza 2 accidents, neither her fault: - 31 Jan 1944, a forced landing in a Swordfish after loss of oil pressure - 20 Jun 1944, the rudder of her Argus was struck in mid-air by an Anson; in the subsequent forced landing the Argus turned over onto its back. She changed her name to Cripps 27 Jan 1945: and then when Alan Bowyer married Gladys [Brown] in October 1946, she married Mr Cripps: m. Dec 1946 in Hendon, Derek Arthur Rivers Cripps, also an ex-ATA pilot One child, Susan, b. Jul 1947
poss m. Jul 1957 in Middlesex, Robert G Ostler
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