Mother (Emily) and father both German. After Edith was born in Switzerland, she and her mother Emily moved back to Bavaria, then Emily married, in 1920, RAF Flying Officer (Later Air Commodore) Frank Beaumont (prev. RFC, PoW in WWI, 1935-38 Air Attaché, Prague, 1942-45 Director of Allied Air Co-operation and Foreign Liaison, 1945- Air Attaché, Belgrade) Ed. Heathfield School, Ascot British Nationality 1936 prev. private secretary to the Prime Minister of Yugoslavia with June Cole in 1945 (with thanks to Michael Mackenzie) Gave up flying in about 1947, after a leg problem. m. 1948 Dr. Charles Petri (divorced) m. 1953 James Young Mackenzie (2 sons) d. 1 Dec 1991 Her son Michael kindly tells me that "Our mother told my brother that there was a fellow pilot in whom she was interested and on good terms with. One day, she went into the Mess and, while talking to somebody else, saw this man across the room and said, “Ah there is XXXX. I must go and say hello”, whereupon the person to whom she was talking said words to the effect of “But do you not know? He died in a crash.” "Our mother was not given to drama, indeed quite the contrary."