M.948  First Officer Thomas Aldren 
 flag england b. 5 Aug 1920, Lancaster  19 May 1944 to 13 Aug 1945 




Parents: Richard Aldren, Isabella [Roberts] of 13 Mill St., Lancaster

prev. Local Government (Clerk, Public Health); RAFVR from 9 Jul 1940

Admitted as a "Freeman" to the roll of the City of Lancaster in 1938

 m. Jul 1944 in Lancaster, Joan [Boulton]

"TWO WELL-KNOWN members of the Lancaster Amateur Dramatic and Operatic Society were married at St. , John's Church. Lancaster, on Monday. They are F.O. Thomas Aldren, formerly employed at the Lancaster Health Office, and now a Ferry Pilot in the Air Transport Auxiliary, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Aldren, of Mill Street. Lancaster, and Miss Joan Boulton (who is on the staff of the Canadian Treasury), younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Boulton, of South Road. Lan- caster."

Address in 1945: 21 South Rd, Lancaster

 d. 1 Mar 1953 at Royal Infirmary, Lancaster

"EX-R.A.F. OFFICER Death at 32

A Flight-Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force during the war, Mr. Thomas Aldren aged 32, of 21 South Rd, Lancaster, died in Lancaster Infirmary on Sunday. He had been in the infirmary for the past three weeks undergoing treatment for heart trouble.

A native of Lancaster, he was educated at Lancaster Royal Grammar School. When he left school he became a clerk In the Corporation Health Department. In 1940 he joined the Royal Air Force. He gained his wings in 1941 and was commissioned as a flying Instructor. In the the latter end of 1943 [sic] he was transferred to the Air Transport Auxiliary, and ferried many planes across the country. He returned to the R.A.F. and at the end of the war was demobbed as a Flight Lieutenant. He was married at St John's Church Lancaster, in 1945 [sic].

Following his war service he went to Nottingham where he quailfied as a Sanitary Inspector and became a meat and food inspector.

He returned to Lancaster in October 1951 but since had not been able to carry on his work owing to ill-health. An ex-member of Lancaster Golf Club, he was a former winner of the George Thompson Trophy, and a very keen player. He was also a former member of LADOS and a member of the Vale of Lune Rugby Club.

His wife survives."Lancaster Guardian


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