M.1049 3rd Officer  John Leslie Bennett 
 flag england b. 17 Oct 1914, Manchester  29 Jan 1944 to Sep-45 


ata john bennett 1945



prev. Sales Mgr for BO Morris, Birmingham, then a Sergeant in the RAFVR Oct-39 to Apr-41

His grandson kindly tells me that "Your website has prompted a conversation with my Mum (his daughter) regarding my Grandfather's life in the war - She informs me that that she thinks he had wanted to be a pilot in the RAF but had not passed the necessary exams, so instead became a rear gunner/bomber in Lancasters.  

He spoke very little of his time in the RAF, but did regale a story of almost falling out of the gunning position in the Lancaster (through the floor), and of dropping bales of propaganda leaflets over Germany - they were supposed to cut the strings to let them flutter down, but instead just through them out in hope they would land on a German's head!  

There is then a period of time that is unaccounted for, but my mum wonders if he had had some sort of breakdown from some comments he made very late in his life about spending some time in hospital.  Then he spent 18 months in the ATA - my Mum remembers him talking about flying with the instruction manual on his knees as he flew all sorts of different planes!"


...and here are some of the photographs his grandson sent me:

John Leslie Bennett 1944 45 ATA A Magister   John Leslie Bennett 1944 45 ATA Spitfire2

 ata John Leslie Bennett   ata John Leslie Bennett 2



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