mother: [Mills]
Postings: 15FPP (r) with Flt-Capt Coltman
One accident, not her fault: - 1 Oct 1944, she ground-looped in Argus I EV809, due to a faulty port wheel casting
Gained her Royal Aero Club Pilot's Certificate (No 20592) as part of the ATA's 'Wings' scheme on 29 Sep 1945 Address in 1945: Fernbank, Murton, Bishopstown, Swansea, S Wales In 1949, she was a staff pilot at Hereford airfield. m. 1951 in Hereford, John H Ashton
In 1956, Veronica Volkersz wrote that Suzanne was one of only 7 women flying commercially: - "Suzanne Ashton flies an Auster 'talking aeroplane' on advertising work" - and concluded that "The tragedy is that for women, commercial aviation is now - except, possibly, in Russia - a closed field." [The others were Jackie Moggridge, Monique Rendall, Jean Bird, Zita Irwin, Diana Barnato-Walker and Freydis Leaf]
m. 1961 in Swansea, Richard John Hart d. 5 Feb 2011 - Swansea