
3rd Officer

[prev. RAF Flying Officer, 146431] 

Albert Edward "Roy" Fairman 
 flag england b. 9 Nov 1921, London  30 May 1944 to 15 Feb 1945 



Father: Albert Francis Bessemer Fairman, mother Lily Mildred [Ketley]

Ed. Sir Walter and St John's School, Battersea, London

m. Apr 1942 Grace [Varney]

 prev. RAF Flying Officer in Bomber Command from 21 May 1940 to 29 May 1944, based at Abingdon

Awarded the 1939-43 Star for at least 60 days of service in an operational unit, including at least one operational sortie

Injured by enemy action [flak injury to foot] and was released from the RAF on medical grounds.

prev. exp. 550 hrs on DH Moth, Proctor, Anson, Oxford, Hampden, Hereford, Manchester, Lancaster, Whitley

 Address in 1944: 32 Middleton Sq, London EC1

 Postings: 5TFPP, 6FPP, 14FPP

  Albert's Flight Authorization card, 16 Aug 1944

"A pilot of average ability, but very overconfident, combined with a happy-go-lucky kind of temperament. Capable of carrying out some very useful work, but may require curbing as regards weather, and needs firm handling generally"

"It may be that in view of his past experience in the RAF he has disliked the idea of having to pass through Training Pool with some far less experienced, and those who were ab initio."

He was only cleared for Class I and II (single-engine) aircraft, but it was intended that he should later also deliver Class III and IV (twin-engine) aircraft.


d. 15 Feb 1945 from injuries received in the crash of Mustang IV KH838 at Wrightington near Wigan, on a ferry flight from Lockheeds Renfrew to Rootes Meir.

"The aircraft was seen to complete a roll to the left, and commence a second roll. During the second roll the pilot was thrown out of the cockpit... After the crash the shoulder straps of the cockpit harness were found broken."


  At the crash site in 2010, including Albert's two younger sisters 

 See http://laituk.org/P-51KH838.htm,  and


which describe the excavation of the crash site.

They speculate that "... the reported manoeuvres ... have been identified by experienced pilots as being consistent with an incapacitated pilot unable to maintain control of an aircraft or perhaps trying to hold the aircraft steady with one hand whilst trying to open the canopy to bail out? "


Buried Greenwich Cemetery

  "F/Lieut" appears to be a mistake


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