Ed. High Scool, 1 yr college m. Martha, 3 daughters Next of kin: Originally his mother, Mrs M P Sparks, 562 Washington St, Camden, N.J., later changed to (Guardian) Orval M Rosier, V.P. American Airlines, N Beach Airport, NY prev. a chauffeur prev. exp. 3,500 hrs Postings: 4FPP, 2FPP Suspended for a week in December 1940 for "dangerous shooting up of Prestwick", in a Spitfire. Off sick: - from 16 Jan to 26 Mar 1941 with appendicitis; - 7 Nov 1941 to 25 Jan 41 with a fractured hand, and - 7 Feb to 7 Mar 1942 with influenza. One accident: 10 Jul 1941 in a Rapide, forced landing due to engine failure. "Good pilot", but absent for various reasons. He failed to turn up for an appointment with the Medical Officer on the 4 Mar 1942, and his contract was suspended and then terminated. This led to his service being categorised as "unsatisfactory". |