M.164(1) (see also M.164(2) Wimmer, Roy)  First Officer  Clarence Joseph Webber
flag usa b. 26 Sep 1913, Hardwick, MN  14 Sep 1940 to 13 Sep 1941

 ata clarence webber 1939




Ed, High School, Business College

prev. Commercial Pilot and Instructor, and a bus driver for Madison Bus Co.

Address in 1940 (mother) Route 2 University Park, Madison, WI

Postings: 6FPP

He "never liked tea very well, and that's one of the things he has to drink in England". He also complained about his cold, damp room.

Seconded to AtFero from 20 Mar to  29 May 1941

m. 1941 Pearl J [Quam]

Captain for Pan American in 1942, based in Miami; he sent this photo of himself from Egypt:

ata clarence webber 1942

 d. 29 Dec 1951 in the crash near Napoli, New York of Continental Charters Flight 44-2, a domestic non scheduled passenger flight from Miami, Florida to Buffalo, New York .

"The twin engine C-46 Commando, registration N3944C, crashed approximately 10:25 pm in adverse weather conditions. Of the four crew and 36 passengers on board, 3 crew members and 23 passengers perished. The flight crew's poor judgment in attempting a flight by visual reference during instrument weather conditions was the cause of the accident." Wikipedia


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