W.86 2nd Officer   Catharine 'Kay' Rel Van Doozer
 flag usa   b. 29 Apr 1905, Los Angeles CA  9 Jun-42 to Mar-44

 W086 van Doozer Catharine ATA


ata kay van doozer 1943

The Bakersfield Californian 1943



 prev. a teacher at Bakersfield High School, and secretary of the South-west section of the 99 Club of women pilots launched in 1929 by Amelia Earhart.

 "She was a member of Berkeley Symphony Orchestra, and at one time taught violin, and has also been a teacher of horseback riding, archery and rifle shooting."

 Flying Instructor at Bakersfield Airport.

Travelled from Nova Scotia to Belfast to join the ATA, arriving  28 Jun 1942 with fellow pilots Edith Stearns and Evelyn Hudson.

in 1943, she "saw Dick Newmeyer, also formerly a member of Bakersfield High School staff, in England."

She later said "In England we did as the English did at that time. Ninety-five per cent of the time we were grounded waiting for better weather and the other five per cent of the time were in the air with less than one mile visibility and scared to death."

"It doesn't take any brains to fly an airplane."

Later she taught instruments at the WASP training station in Sweetwater, TX.

.Post-WWII she returned to Bakersfield High School and taught English until the death of her mother in 1948.

 ata Catharine van Doozer WASP https://twudigital.contentdm.oclc.org

d. 12 Nov 1949  - Kernville, Kern County, CA, in an accident when her mountain home was destroyed by fire. "Firemen found her body in the living room of the gutted home from which a friend, Betty Thompson [also an ex-WASP], 38, escaped unharmed."


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