Father: William Riley Inman, Mother Ora B [Fowler] Next of kin: (mother) Ora Inman, 511W First St, Coffeyville, Kansas At age 17, a machinist in Worth, Iowa "Rodger is one of the two famous flying brothers of Coffeyville, Kansas. He and his brother Arthur operate the Inman Brothers Flying Circus, A third brother, Don, the youngest, was killed in 1935 in a Florida air crash." Margie Inman, Leona Inman, Melvin Hart, Rolley Inman, Art Inman, Carl Hall, Merle Smith Arrived in the UK on the 'Duchess of Atholl' 5 Oct 1940, with fellow pilots Howard Mussey, William Cummings, Edward Vencill, Martin Wetzel and Constant Wilson. Went back to the USA on the 'Duchess of Richmond' 1 Nov 1940 Joned US Air Transport Command, North Atlantic Wing d. 19 Jun 1944 - Millinocket, Maine in a C-54 Skymaster crash enroute England to Washington. |