- Died in WWII (after leaving ATA) -

  • Annibal, Donald Lee

     M.165  Flight Captain  Donald Lee Annibal

    flag usa

    b. 7 Nov 1915, Stroh, IN  12 Oct 1940 to Jul-42 



    A Commercial pilot - in June 1940 he made a 'perfect' forced landing on the riverbank of the Los Angeles River.

    Address in 1940: c/o his father Lee H Annibal, 2482 Tyler Ave, Detroit, MI

    Sailed to Liverpool to join the ATA, arriving 11 Nov 1940, with fellow American pilots Howard Alsop, Charles Smith, Francis Bender, Robert Gragg, Dan Jacques, Malcolm Stewart and Roy Wimmer.

    Postings: 2FPP, 14FPP

    m. Apr 1942 in Bristol, Glos, Patricia M [Harris], 1 child

    "An excellent pilot. Discipline above reproach."

    B 25 Mitchell

    d. 23 Feb 1943 when a member of RAF Ferry Command, in Mitchell FR148 lost out of Gander

    Commemorated at Runnymede

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  • Arnette, Kenneth Russell

     M.334 First Officer   Kenneth Russell Arnette
     flag usa   b. 31 Aug 1912, Rutherfordton VA  25 Jan 1941 to Jan-42

     ata kenneth arnetteATA



    Married, no children

    prev. Barnstorming; Arnette's Air Show (Stunting shows)

    Address in 1941: Henderson, NC

    Next of Kin: c/o Arnette's Ice Cream Co., Richmond, Virginia

    Postings: 2FPP, 3FPP

    "A sound and experienced pilot and in every way satisfactory."

    Killed in action in the India-Burma Theatre 4 Feb 1945

    buried Jefferson Barracks National Military Cemetery – St. Louis, Mo.

    "Learned to fly at the Meyer Airport near Hendersonville, N.C. A graduate of Hendersonville High School where he was an outstanding athlete, he is survived by his mother and four brothers. James Arnette Jr served in the US Navy, Sgt Roy A Arnette with the AAF in France, W C Arnette with the Seabees in the Aleutians, and Milton Prince Arnette, who lives in Hendersonville."

    His brother Roy owned Arnette's Ice Cream Co; he was killed when 3 armed men robbed the company in 1974, hit him on the head and shot him in the arm.

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  • Bowhan, Francis Dawson

     M.---  2nd Officer Francis Dawson "Chief" Bowhan 

    flag usa

      b. 30 Apr 1901, Elgin, Kansas 14 Aug 1940 to 2 Oct 1940 

      ata francis bowhan ancestry      


    m. 1921 (divorced, remarried 1934) Charlotte [Blair]

    prev. a racing, joy-ride and test pilot

    Address in 1940: Pawhuska, Osage, Oklahoma

    ATA Contract Terminated 2 Oct 1940

    The ATA's Administration Officer wrote to him: "You called here yesterday afternoon with a Medical Certificate to the effect that you were unfit for duty and I instructed you to take it to the Chief Instructor and collect my letter, which you did not do.

    As a result of this failure to obey instructions in addition to the complaints about you referred to in my letter, the Minister of Aircraft Production has decided that you are unsuitable for the duty for which you were brought to this country"

    d. 23 Apr 1944 - Kansas City, MO

    ata francis bowhan grave

    Buried Pawhuska City Cemetery


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  • Browne, James Sallee

     M.530 2nd Officer   James Sallee 'Jimmy' Browne

    flag usa

     b. 27 Jan 1921, Evanston IL  22 May 1941 to Mar-42


     ata james sollee browne




    Promoted to First Officer, 15 Feb 1942;

    Demoted to 2nd Officer, 6 Mar 1942 [Dangerous Flying and taking off on an unauthorised flight]

    "Hardworking and capable but not always reliable - now and again indulges in low or dangerous flying"

    [Contract Terminated 23 Mar 1942 by ATA - Disciplinary Reasons]

    d. c.17 Nov 1942; his China National Air Corporation C-47 went missing flying between China and India.

    In October 1945, his mother wrote to the ATA:

    "Dear Sir,

    We have today received the log book of our son, James S Browne, who was in your service '41-2 as First Officer. He was first stationed at Maidenhead and later at Ratcliffe Hall, Leicester. Perhaps you did not know him personally, or may not have been at White Waltham at the time he was in service - but, in any case, I wanted to let you know that after he returned to the States April 1942, he was engaged by the Pan American & China National Aviation Corporation to transport supplies over the 'Hump' from India to China.

    He flew a DC-3 to Calcutta shortly after his return from England and shortly after his arrival there, was made Captain of a C-47. As you may know that is the most treacherous flying in the world, and the weather conditions are very bad.

    Jim has been missing since Nov 17, 1942. and no trace of him, the plane, or the crew. Almost three years have passed and, of course, we are offered no hope from the China { } - the anxiety has been terrible. He was 21 and our only child.

    It does not help to know that millions of others are also suffering. This is our own personal sorrow.

    I shall be so very glad if you will be good enough to let us know if you happened to know Jim, or did anyone else in your station - it would be a comfort to us to hear from any of his friends. It seems so unreal to us now, that year he spent in England, so long ago - but it was only in 1941. We had not entered the war at the time and Jim did not have to go, but was anxious to try out for that job. He was so very young.

    Hoping to hear from you again, which we shall very much appreciate.


    Harriet S Browne (Mrs Herbert S Browne)

    653 Hill Road, Winnetka, Illinois"

    The wreckage was not discovered until 2011, 13,400 feet up a mountain in China's Yunnan province.

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  • Cheer, Leonard Massie

     M.78 First Officer  Leonard Massie Cheer 

    flag scotland

    b. 20 May 1914, Aberdeen  23 May 1940 to May-41 



    Address in 1940: Thirlmere, 12 Greenway, Anlaby Pk, Hull

    Postings: 1FPP, Prestwick

    Suspended from all duties for two days in early May 1941 for "continued unpunctuality".

    [Contract Terminated 25 May 1941 by ATA - Disciplinary Reasons]

    d. 25 Sep 1942 when a Sub-Lieut., RNVR, in Fairey Fulmar II DR636, 795A Squadron Tanga, which force-landed on hilltop in darkness 45 miles south of Tannarive, Madagascar.


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  • Clennell, Geoffrey James Ian

     M.209 First Officer  Geoffrey James Ian Clennell 
    flag england   b. 29 Oct 1912, Letchworth 4 Feb 1941 to 17 Jul 1941 




    m. 1934 Joan Ossory [Dunlop - she was an M.T. driver with the ATA from 20 Jul 1942 to 27 Jan 1943], 3 children

    prev. RAF Sep 1932 - Sep 1938 (Pilot Officer in 1934, promoted to Flt-Lt 8 Jun 1937); apprentice to Bentley Motors

    A test pilot in 1939.

    Address in 1941: 38 Richmond Hill Rd, Birmingham

    Suspended for 2 days in April 1941 for "aerobatics"

    "First Class pilot, very keen and hard-working. Occasionally has fallen down on small points of discipline."

    Resigned to join RAF

    d. 25 Feb 1942 when a Squadron Leader with 255 Sqn, RAFVR when crash landing Beaufighter II T3023 due to engine failure on final approach to RAF Coltishall.

    P/O Harold Vincent also died of injuries sustained in the same accident. 

    buried Scottow Cemetery

    Mrs Clennell wrote to Pauline Gower in May 1943, asking for help as she was "in very straightened circumstances."

    Pauline passed it on to the RAF Benevloent Fund, who were already paying for her elder son's education (£25 per term).

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  • Cramer, Leonard Wright

     M.177 First Officer  Leonard Wright Cramer 

    flag usa

     b. 2 May 1906, Fulton NY 3 Aug 1940 to Oct-41 


    ata leonard cramer 1929 1929

    from http://jeffmichaels.org/?p=252, which has a full biography



    Father: Frank I Cramer

    Ed.: 4 yrs High School, 1 yr Cornell University

    m. 1929 Vida Pearl [Hewes, divorced, later Dolamore]

    prev. a Commercial Pilot. Manager of Oneida Airport.

    He had to swim a mile and a half after his seaplane crashed following engine failure and then an engine fire, at Onodaga Lake, Syracuse , N.Y. in Jun 1930.

    Address in 1940: Baldwinsville, NY

    Postings: 6FPP, 1FPP

    He was commended for his forced landing after an engine failure in a Short Scion on 8 Dec 1940, but blamed for another forced landing in a Fairey Battle when he continued a flight in failing light and bad weather on 5 Jan 1941.

    Seconded to Atfero 20 Mar 1941

    Contract Terminated 31 Oct 1941

    d. 8 Jan 1945 - Port of Spain, Trinidad, in Martin M-130 'China Clipper' of Pan American Airways.which crashed while landing in darkness. 10 of the 13 crew, and 13 of 17 passengers died in the accident.


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  • Duigan, James Evelyn Brian

     M.157  First Officer James Evelyn Brian Duigan 

    flag nz

      b. 5 May 1918, Auckland NZ 27 Sep 1940 to Feb-42 

     ata james duigan ATA      


    One of 3 sons of Sir John Evelyn Duigan, Chief of the General Staff of the New Zealand Military Forces from 1937 to 1941

    Ed. NZ University (B.A. NZ), R.N. College

    prev. Dept of Internal Affairs, NZ Gov't

    Pilot Officer RNZAF then RAF Sep-38 to Sep-40

    Postings: 1FPP

    He was blamed for a wheels-up forced landing in a Hurricane in Dec-40; "Pilot should not have taken off when he knew weather conditions were bad and is entirely responsible."

    However, by 1942 his discipline had "improved beyond all knowledge, and he is a first class asset to the Pool."

    [Contract Terminated by Mutual Consent]

    d. 17 Jun 1945 on a delivery flight in Canada

    buried Metis Beach (United Church) Cemetery, Quebec, Canada

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  • Durham, Jack Groover

     M.332  First Officer Jack Groover Durham 
    flag usa   b. 2 Nov 1919, Fort Payne AL 1 Feb 1941 to May-42 

     ata jack durham ATA



    Educated at Birmingham High School

    prev. a pilot, instructor and crop dusting with Dawn Crop Dusting Corp., Leland, Miss.

    Address in 1941 (grandparents): 5326 Court P, Birmingham, Alabama

    'My family is Democratic'

    "This pilot has developed into a very fine influence in the Pool by reason of his keenness and good sense of discipline. He is also a first class pilot."

    d. 19 Apr 1943 when a Captain with RAF Transport Command, in Baltimore FA330 which was lost en-route Dorval, Quebec to Natal, Brazil (or possibly en-route from Natal to the Middle East). Also killed were F/O John Dickson Grant (RCAF) and Radio Operator Harold Alfred Picher.

    No known grave. Commemorated on the Ottawa Memorial.

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  • Edison, James Arlington

    M.153 *

    First Officer James Arlington 'Eddie' Edison 

    flag usa

     b. 29 Aug 1898, Kansas   

    13 Aug 1940 to 23 Sep 1941

     ata james edison 1943 1943      

    "He has been flying since he was 18".

    prev a a stunt-man and crop-duster. 

    1933-4 instructor to 60 Chinese pilots of the army of General Chang Kai-shek

     m. to Mary E (d. 1986)

    [arrived in Manchester 5 Sep 1940]

    [Transferred to AtFero, probably in Mar 1941]

    "His name was scratched from the crew list for a ferry flight to Montreal, so that he could return to London to renew his papers.The bomber flew into the side of a mountain, and all 22 of the crew were killed and the ship completely destroyed." [This was Liberator AM261, on the 10th August 1941. See also F D Bradbrooke (joined 1939) and George Thomas Harris]

    "Lt. Edison helped to bury this group of fellow fliers, immediately after which he received an assignment to leave for another trip. On this day, one hour before take-off, and while en route to the airdrome, there was an air raid and while the taxi in which he was riding was waiting, there was an automobile accident that resulted in two broken ribs for the lieutenant, sending him to the hospital instead.

    Before getting away, however, he saw the ship in which he was supposed to leave run off the runway, catch fire and all 22 of the fine American pilots which made up the crew were burned to death.  [This was Liberator AM260, on the 14th August 1941. To be precise, 12 pilots [9 of them American], 8 radio operators, 1 flight engineer and 1 civilian were killed. See also Elbert Anding, Philip Lee, Buster Trimble and Martin Wetzel,]

    He says he made his next journey with fingers crossed - but safely."

    Later joined the US Navy and was Chief Aviation Pilot at Stanford Naval Air Station, FL, in 1943.

    d. 28 Apr 1945 in PV-3 (ex-RAF Lockheed Ventura) which crashed after hitting trees shortly after take-off from NAS Lake City, FL.


  • Gleave, Sydney

     M.152 First Officer  Sydney 'Syd' Gleave 

    flag england

     b. 31 Jan 1905, Bosley, Macclesfield   8 Aug 1940 to 2 Mar 1942

      ata sydney gleave 1932 1932      


    m. 1931 Dora [Clarke, divorced 1943], but gave his sister, Lucy Isobel Gleave, as next-of-kin in 1940

    Ran his own motorcycle business: "Gleave Motors", and developed his own 'Syd Gleave Special' motorcycle. With this he competed in races from 1928-35.


    See http://reddevilmotors.blogspot.co.uk

    Syd owned 1930 Avro 616 Sports Avian G-AAYU, which had flown in the 1930 King's Cup Race piloted by Jack Cantrill. He bought it in February 1936, flew it in the 1936 London to Isle of Man Race (coming fifth out of 20 starters) and the Manx Air Derby (coming 13th), but he wrote it off at Cheltenham later that year:


    The wreckage of an aeroplane perched on top of a Cotswold hillside field to-day remained as evidence of the dramatic and almost miraculous escape of two airmen from death. The pilot, Mr. Sid Cleave, of Macclesfield, well-known T.T. rider and survivor of a remarkable racing crash a year ago, is today out and about, showing litte sign of the experience.

    His passenger, Mr. Geoffrey Males Holt, of Manchester, is in Cheltenham General Hospital with a compound fracture of the right ankle and injuries to the head. 

    Mr. Gleave last evening told the "Echo" his dramatic story of the crash during the fog which enveloped parts of the Cotsvvolds as he and his friend were flying from Bournemouth to Macclesfield. "The visibility was nil," he said, "and as we were flying down a valley a bank of clouds came down in front of us. Although we attempted to turn we went into it, and the wing tip hit the top of the hill."

    Mr. Gleave has recently recovered from a terrible accident while riding in the T. T. last year. He was thrown when travelling at about 110 miles hour. He was hurtled along the road and finished up by crashing into wall. It was found that he had no fewer than 44 bone breakages."

    Fleet Air Arm 1938-40

    In 1939 he was one of two golfers who played five games of golf within 24 hours on courses in Scotland, Ireland, England, the Isle of Man and Wales, for a £100 bet.  He and professional golfer Ernest Smith flew 1,000 miles, walked thirty miles, and "went hungry". They started at 3.30 a m., by the light of road lamps, at Prestwick, Ayr, and then flew to games in Newtonwards, Ulster; Castletown, Isle of Man; Blackpool, and Hawarden, North Wales. "A condition of the wager was that Smith should average under eighty over the five courses. He won with an average of seventy two."

    Address in 1940: 388 Buxton Rd, Macclesfield

    Postings: White Waltham, Ratcliffe, Ringway

     [Contract Terminated 2 Mar 1942] "in order that you may undertake the post of Test Pilot with AV Roe & Co. Ltd."

     syydney greave in a lancaster

    As 2nd pilot in a Lancaster with Bill Thorn and Roy Chadwick in 1942 (Flight)

    d. 11 Sep 1944 in Lancaster III PB579; one of every 10th aircraft that was checked to its terminal velocity dive speed of 375mph to verify control effectiveness and ease of recovery. During the dive the fuel jettison pipes tore off, hit the tailplane and stripped the elevator skin. The aircraft dived vertically into the ground at Alderley Edge, three miles south of Woodford. This was the only fatal accident involving a Lancaster out of the 3,958 tested at Woodford.

    "To assist in the identification of two men who lost their lives in an aeroplane crash near a Midlands town on September 11th, pieces of clothing, a tie and a pen-knife, were produced at the inquest at Wilmslow (Cheshire) to-day. The men were identified as Sydney Gleave, 39, test pilot for Messrs. A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., and a former racing motor cyclist, and Harry Lewis Barnes, 41, a flight engineer, of Wilmslow.

    Charles Stewart Riseley, member of the Observer Corps, who plotted the plane, said it was flying about for half an hour, and the first indication he had of anything being abnormal was when he saw it in a power dive. It came out of the sun with engines running, and dived almost vertically at a speed of between 500 and 600 miles an hour."

    GLEAVE Sydney

    Sydney, his parents, and 3 of his 4 sisters are commemorated together


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  • Hallowell-Carew, Roy Phillip

     M.42 First Officer  Roy Phillip Hallowell-Carew

    flag england

    b. 27 Dec 1911, Kensington, London  13 Apr 1940 to 11 May 1942 

      ata roy carew  ata roy carew2 ATA    


    Ed. Senior College of Preceptors

    m. Ivy Ellen

    RAF 1932-37 (Flt-Lt)

    Address in 1940: Cedarcroft, Sticklepath, Okehampton, Devon

    Postings: 2FPP, 1FPP, AFTS as Instructor, 16FPP

    "Good multi-engine pilot, though inclined to be nervous, particularly in bad weather."

    "Not over stable financially."

    Reprimanded for disobedience of Standing Orders on 3 Apr 1942

    [Contract Terminated by ATA 11 May 1942 - Disciplinary Reasons]

    Died in a flying accident, 23 July 1942 when a Test Pilot for MAP. His Spitfire V W3958 of 1 CRU (Civilian Repair Unit) at Cowley crashed at Cumnor Hill, 3.5 miles West South West of Oxford.

    Buried Epsom Cemetery. 

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  • Harris, George Thomas

     M.227 First Officer George Thomas Harris 

    flag usa

     b. 27 Dec 1905, Lawrence, Kansas  7 Aug 1940 to 1 Dec 1940  


    ata george harris

     Iola Register,14 Aug  1941



    m. Margurite

    prev. Kansas National Guard

    Address in 1940: 714 N.N. St., Lawrence, Kansas (father)

    Contract Terminated 1 Dec 1940 - Transferred to Atlantic Ferry Organisation [AtFero]

    B 24 Liberator RAF Bomber

    d. 10 Aug 1941 - Liberator AM261 crashed into Goat Fell mountain on Isle of Arran after take-off from Heathfield Ayr (22 killed - 5 crew and 17 travelling as passengers). Victims included F D Bradbrooke (q.v.)


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  • Hunter, Lewis Warren

     M.14 First Officer  Lewis Warren Hunter 

    flag usa

     b. 20 Jan 1907, San Francisco, CA  26 September 1940 to 6 Jun 1941 

     ata lewis hunter  ata lewis hunter 2 ATA    


     Father: Lewis Clarence Hunter, Box 192, Ross, Marin Co. CA

    Ed. Stanford University

    m. 1931 Suzanne Gerdine; 2 children; divorced

    US Army Corps Feb 1930 - Jun 32; May 36 - Jan 38

    prev. Instructor for the Chinese National Government

    prev. exp 3,700 hrs


    Hunter is a good looking specimen of American manhood. He came down the broad steps of the attractive family home loaded with luggage and greeted reporters and cameramen with "Hi fellows, you're almost too late. Ask me what you want to know while I pile these things in the car... Hate to rush, but the plane leaves in an hour..."

    Off sick from 1 Jan 1941 to 17 Mar 1941 after he made a bad landing in Oxford P9040, "injuring himself and causing considerable damage to the aircraft"

    One further accident in Apr 1941, when "he persisted in flying in bad weather"

    "This man had an extremely bad record with ATA. He was continually getting into difficulties financially and left many unpaid debts in this country, amounting to about £200."

    [His file contains many letters from his creditors after he left, asking whetther the ATA could perhaps pay them (which they politely declined to do), including one from a car dealer called Edwin V Price, who said "I can ill afford to lose this amount after befriending him over a sticky patch".]

    "His private affairs interfered seriously with his usefulness as a ferry pilot and his excessive indulgence in alcohol finally made him unfit to continue his duties,"

    Contract Teminated 6 Jun 1941

    Sailed back to Montreal with fellow pilots Hubert Timmermans, Gilbert Tobin, Irving Nelson and Clarence Goza.

    Trans-Canada Airlines' agent later reported that "he went to Ottawa in an effort to join the Royal Canadian Air Force, but was not accepted in view of your adverse report. We last saw him about October 13th when he said that he had obtained a position as Instructor at an aviation school operated by Quebec Airways at or near Quebec City."

    "On December 1st we learned from the newspapers that he had died suddenly in Montreal, and our inquiries at the Coroner's Court brought forth the information that he had been picked up by the radio police on November 29th in a state of collapse, and had died in hospital the following day. The Coroner's verdict was that his death was due to natural causes [pneumonia], but I surmise that his habits had a good deal to do with his untimely end."

    d. 30 Nov 1941 [age 34]

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  • Huxley, Desmond Roy

     M.147 Flight Captain  Desmond Roy Huxley 

    flag england

    b. 21 Oct 1911, London  26 Jul 1940 to 18 Jan 1944 

      ata desmond huxley 1935 1935  ata desmond huxley ata ATA  

    ata desmond huxley ancestry



    Ed. Bedford College

    m. Violet Irene Agnes [Morton]

    prev. a wine merchant; pilot for Air Dispatch Ltd.;

    Sgt Pilot RAFVR (Nov-36 to Jul-40)

    prev. exp. 730 hrs on DH 60, 80, 82, 85 and Stinson

    Address in 1940: New House Farm, Balcombe, Sussex

    Postings: 3FPP, 6FPP, 4aFPP, 14FPP, 4FPP, 7FPP, 2FPP, 16FPP

    4 accidents, 1 his fault (Jul-43, in a Blenheim, when he selected 'undercarriage up' instead of 'flaps up' after landing.)

    "His excellent work as an experienced pilot has been of great value to this Pool. Due to lack of discipline in small matters, however, he has failed to become correspondingly useful in his capacity of Flight Captain."

    Certificate of Commendation for "displaying exceptional initiative in giving assistance to the survivor of an a/c crashed in mountainous country on 7 Aug 1942."

    [Desmond was ferrying a Defiant from Lossiemouth to Edzell when he noticed a pall of smoke which turned out to be a crashed Wellington on fire. He dropped cigarettes, matches and a map to the sole survivor, with a note telling him that he would report the crash, and then flew in the direction of the nearest road to show the way. The survivor stated that it was "mainly through this assistance that he was able to find his way."]

    Resigned 8 Nov (effective 19 Oct 1943), giving 3 months notice.

    He died 2 months after leaving the ATA;

    d. 18 Mar 1944 - Oakmere, Northwich, Cheshire

    "BALCOMBE. SAD NEWS. We regret to state that news was received Saturday that Desmond Roy Huxley, elder son ol Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Huxley, of Little Strudgates, had been killed. At the outbreak of war he joined the Auxiliary Transport Association, and held the rank of Captain [sic]. Latterly he had been a test pilot for an aviation company. He was educated at Ardingly and Bedford Colleges. Prior to the war he was in business as a wholesale wine merchant in London, and was a Liveryman of the Vintners Company. A married man, he leaves a widow and a five-year-old son." Mid Sussex Times

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  • Inman, Rodger

     M.118 *  2nd Officer Rodger 'Rolley' Inman 

    flag usa

      b. 25 Jan 1902, Oskaloosa, Iowa 25 Sep 1940 to 26 Oct 1940 



    Father: William Riley Inman, Mother Ora B [Fowler]

    Next of kin: (mother) Ora Inman, 511W First St, Coffeyville, Kansas

    At age 17, a machinist in Worth, Iowa

    "Rodger is one of the two famous flying brothers of Coffeyville, Kansas. He and his brother Arthur operate the Inman Brothers Flying Circus, A third brother, Don, the youngest, was killed in 1935 in a Florida air crash."

     ata inman flying circus 1930s

    Margie Inman, Leona Inman, Melvin Hart, Rolley Inman, Art Inman, Carl Hall, Merle Smith

    Arrived in the UK on the 'Duchess of Atholl' 5 Oct 1940, with fellow pilots Howard Mussey, William Cummings, Edward Vencill, Martin Wetzel and Constant Wilson.

    Went back to the USA on the 'Duchess of Richmond' 1 Nov 1940

    Joned US Air Transport Command, North Atlantic Wing

    d. 19 Jun 1944 - Millinocket, Maine in a C-54 Skymaster crash enroute England to Washington.


  • Kolendorski, Stanley Michel

     M.84 *  2nd Officer Stanley Michel 'Mike' Kolendorski 

    flag usa

      b. 24 Feb 1915, Jersey City 3 Aug 1940 to 12 Sep 1940 

      ata stanley kolendorski 1941   ata stanley kolendorskihttp://www.americanairmuseum.com/person/240113   


    Father: Adam Kolendorski (American), mother: Katherine (Katy) (Polish)

    He "excelled in woodwork and other manual arts subjects, and learned to fly a plane while working as a 'grease monkey' at a field near his home. He moved to California, and became a pilot for an air service."

    m. 1938 Charlotte Mae [Reynolds]

    Address in 1940: Star Route, Lakehurst, NJ

    His wife was granted a divorce in Los Angeles on 3 Feb 1940, on the basis that he "spent most of his time at an airport and finally went to Canada to join the Royal Air Force."

     Travelled to Liverpool from Montreal on the 'Duchess of Bedford', arriving 10 August 1940.

    ATA Contract Terminated 3 Sep 1940 - Joined the RAF as part of the 'Eagle' squadron of American volunteer pilots.

    It sounds like Stanley carried on hoping for a reconciliation with Charlotte; on the 27 Oct 1940 "According to Stanley Kolendorski,of Lakehurst, NJ. the thrill of training to fire a shot for his ancestral Poland almost compensates for the threat of his wife to divorce him when he joined up. He is hoping she will reconsider her decision when she gets a picture of him in his British uniform - her picture, in her wedding dress, is the sole mural decoration of the little cubicle that is his exile bedroom tonight."

    Asbury Park Press, NJ, 21 May 1941 - "After receiving word that their son, Stanley, is missing after a flight from England during war operations [on the 17th May], Mr. and Mrs Adam Kolendorski are anxiously awaiting further word from the British Air Ministry to learn whether the youth is dead, a German prisoner or has returned safely."

    The full story emerged later.

    "After being scrambled early in the morning in Hurricane Mk IIb Z3186 (71 (Eagle) Squadron) to intercept Ju88's and He111's coming across the channel, at 20,000 ft they came across escorting Bf 109's of the II./JG 53 "Pik As" over the Thames Estuary.

    Mike Kolendorski turned his aircraft sharply to intercept a pair of Bf 109s, when a second pair opened fire on him. A warning was given over the R/T, but too late for Kolendorski. It would seem that he was killed in his cockpit as no attempt by him to bale out was observed. Other 'Eagle'-squadron pilots saw his aircraft crash land in the water and reported Stanley Michel Kolendorski KIA after they had returned to their airbase.

    F/O Kolendorski's body was washed ashore in the Netherlands on 13th August 1941 near 'Paal 16' at the beach of Rockanje / West-Voorne, Voorne Putten island, Zuidhollandse Eilanden region. His remains were buried at the General Cemetery "Maria Rust" in Rockanje, municipality of West-Voorne."

    18834392 1439278374 findagrave.com

    He is also one of 13 WWII and Korean War dead who are commemorated on the Asbury, NJ, War Memorial, dedicated in 1954.

    d. 17 May 1941 (age 26) 

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  • Kraschel, Richard Nelson

     M.615*  First Officer Richard Nelson 'Dick' Kraschel 
     flag usa   b. 25 Jan 1919, Harlan, IA 7 Jul 1941 to 20 Jul 1942 

     ata richard kraschel

     ata richard kraschel 1942 1941    


     Father: Nelson G. Kraschel, former Governor of Iowa, mother Agnes

    Ed. Iowa State College, University of Colorado

    Learnt to fly in 1936 at Des Moines, IA

    prev. Instructor, Livingstone Airways, Waterloo, IA then USAAF Flight Instructor at Cimarron Field, Oklahoma City

    Dick joined the ATA when his parents were away on vacation. "I thought it would be easier if they didn't know my plans", he said.

    It turned out, however, that he needed his parents' permission anyway, so his mother (when she found out about it) flew to Montreal and gave the necessary consent.

    During his ATA Service, he ferried more than 60 types of planes, "losing 48lb in the process."

    "The work, the climate and the food sort of piled up on me and got me down", he said.

    Post-ATA, he joined the Bell Aircraft Co. as a test pilot on 14 Sep 1942, but was killed 29 May 1943 when his parachute failed to open after he bailed out of a test flight near Niagara Falls.

    ata richard kraschel grave findagrave.com

  • Livermore, Thomas Leonard

     M.246  First Officer Thomas Leonard 'Tom' Livermore Jr 

    flag usa

     b. 18 Oct 1908, Telluride, CO  14 Sep 1940 to 1 Feb 1942 

     ata tom livermore 1929 1929  ata thomas livermore ATA


    March 1941



    Next of Kin: (mother)  Sibyl/Sibbel H B Livermore, 667 South Palm Ave, Sarasota, FL

    Father d. 1935

    Ed. Riverside Military Academy, Gainesville GA, and Sarasota High

    prev. Crop Dusting pilot

    Co-pilot of the Curtiss Robin 'Sealdsweet', which attempted (several times) to establish a 100-hour refuelling endurance flight record in 1929.. They refuelled from another Curtiss Robin named the 'Mor-Juce', but a series of mechanical problems meant they eventually abandoned the attempt.

    prev. exp. 2400 hrs, "practically all on medium and heavy aircraft. Has a commercial pilot's license."

    m. 1934 Carline [Whitney], 1 daughter Barbara b. 1936

     Postings: 6FPP

    1 accident, his fault:

    - 26 Feb 1941, he landed his Whitley at the wrong aerodrome and struck an obstruction when taking off again.

     "Smooth and accurate in the air. Is very fine type."

    Seconded to AtFero 15 Mar 1941

    B 24 Liberator RAF Bomber

     d. 14 Oct 1942 (age 33) in a Liberator crash after taking off from Trinidad. The plane had mistakenly taken off on the emergency fuel tanks only, and all engines stopped after the plane had climbed a few hundred feet.

    Accepted for commemoration on the Ottowa Memorial in 2018.

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  • Lloyd, Leland Cooper

     M.--- * First Officer  Leland Cooper Lloyd 
     flag usa  b. 20 Aug 1912, Houston, Texas 23 Mar to 28 Sep 1941 




    Father: Everett Cooper Lloyd, Mother: Nellie Fredericka

     prev. Petrolagar Laboratories, Chicago, Illinois; test pilot for North American Aviation; 'stunt pilot'

    ? m. 1934 in Texas, Katherine [Thiel]


    Address in 1940: 647½ Main Ave, San Antonio, TX

      Draft Card, dated 16 Oct 1940


    "Scar - 3in diameter - right arm"

    Arrived in the UK on 28 April 1941, as did Raymond Sylvester Allen

     Postings: ---


    Transferred to RAF Ferry Command

    He was co-pilot of a B-25 that became uncontrollable over Platte County, Kansas, on the night of 18 Jul 1942. The crew of 3 parachuted to safety, Leland fracturing his heel.

    m. 16 Apr 1943 in Clay, Missouri, Alice Genevieve [Heil]


     Hudson 4

    d. 6 Aug 1943 in the crash of Hudson VI EW898 at Martintown, Ontario, Canada during a training flight. All 3 on board were killed; they were attempting a forced landing after fire broke out.

     Commemorated at Mission Burial Park SouthSan AntonioBexar CountyTexas

    * - File not yet seen

  • Makepeace, Paul Bleecker

     M.394  First Officer  Paul Bleecker Makepeace
    flag usa  b. 9 Dec 1915, New York 20 Mar 1941 to 19 Mar 1942 

     ata paul makepeace ATA



    Next of kin: (parents) Mrs & Mrs Frank B Makepeace, Cos Cob, CT

     Ed. Greenwich High School, CT

    prev. 3 yrs as Sgt in US National Guard 211 Coast Artillery Div.; Company Pilot for Sinclair Oil Co. in Caracas, Venezuela

    Address in 1941: 157 E 81 St, NYC

     Postings: 14FPP, 9FPP, 6FPP

    2 accidents, 1 his fault:

    - 7 Sep 1941, his Spitfire hit a control box due to him taxying without sufficient care;

    - 30 Jan 1942, he skidded in Spitfire BL751 on landing, and nosed over. Kemble airfield had been signalled as unserviceable due to ice, but the signal did not arrive before he took off on the delivery flight.

    "A very competent pilot and a good officer."

    Joined RAF Ferry Command

    d. 17 Jan 1943 (age 27), one of 26 lost in C-87 (Liberator Express) 41-1708 which disappeared between Accra and Brazil.

    Commemorated on the Ottowa Memorial

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  • Marine, John Howard

     M.402 First Officer  John Howard 'Jack' Marine 
     flag usa   b. 26 Nov 1904, Yuma, AZ 25 Feb 1941 to 19 Aug 1941 

     ata john marine ATA



    Father: Rufus Howard Marine; Mother: Aletha Myrtle [Coffin] of Yarnell AZ

    Ed. Arizona Staff Teachers College, Flagstaff AZ

    prev. US Air Corps 1926-27. Flight Instructor for US Army Dec 1940 - Feb 1941; also a Sound Engineer for Theatres.

    Employer in 1940: Major Mosley, Grand Central Air Terminal, Glendale, CA

    m.1930 Bertie Mae [Gist]

    m. 18 Feb 1932 Naomi [Potter]

    Address in 1941: Phoenix, AZ

    Postings: 2FPP

    Off sick from 27 Jun(?) to 19 Aug 1941 with an eye injury after an accident. "One of his eyes was injured by shrapnel during a flight off the English Coast, when he was attacked by two Messerschmitts", according to the Arizona Republic. The circumstances of the accident were not recorded by the ATA.

     ata john marine grave

    Joined RAF Ferry Command but d. 21 Feb 1942 when his A-20 Boston crashed into the Potomac River, Washington DC.

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  • Mayers, Howard Clive

     M.---- First Officer  Howard Clive Mayers DSO, DFC and bar 


      b. 9th January 1910 in Sydney 22 Jan 1940 to 9 Mar 1940 



    Read engineering at Jesus College, Cambridge, but left when his father died, and formed Air Log Ltd in May 1932, making instruments for aircraft and ships. Commissioned into the RAF in WWII, initially as a test pilot and then with 601 (County of London) Squadron AAF at Tangmere during the Battle of Britain. Later posted to Egypt. At least 10 victories.

    His 1942 DSO citation reads "Wing Cdr Mayers is an expert on bombing and machine-gun attacks and his tactical knowledge has contributed much to the success of long-range fighter operations. On two occasions in May this officer led a formation in attacks on aircraft bringing supplies to the enemy and destroyed many of them."

    Killed in WWII: 20th July, 1942 when a Wing Commander 250 Sqn RAFVR; commemorated on the Alamein Memorial.

    Mayers radioed that he was having engine trouble and was making a forced landing in the Qattara Depression. His aircraft was found and, there being no trace of him, it was presumed that he had been captured. Mayers was not heard of again and may have been lost in a Ju52, which was shot down whilst ferrying PoW’s to Germany.

    King's Cup in 1932, London-Newcastle race in 1932

    see http://www.bbm.org.uk/Mayers.htm


  • McGehee, Ernest Oliver

     M.554  First Officer  Ernest Oliver 'Ernie' McGehee

    flag usa

     b. 16 Sep 1919, Rogers, AR 21 May 1941 to 9 Sep 1942 


    ata ernest mcgehee 

    The 'Enid Echo'



    Ed. Enid High School, OK

    prev. Oklahoma National Guard; Assistant Airport Manager - Woodring Field, Enid

    m. 8 May 1941 Juanita M [Liken, also from Enid]

    Address in 1941: 908 E Main, Enid, OK

    ATA pilots Earl Renicker (d. 7 Feb 1942) and John Erickson (d. 9 May 1942) also came from nearby in Oklahoma.

    Postings: 1FPP

    Suspended for 7 days in Sep 1941 for 'landing after official landing time'

    2 accidents, both his fault:

    - 4 Nov 1941, a bad landing in a Hurricane led to the undercarriage collapsing and the aircraft tipped onto its nose,

    - 29 Jan 1942, another heavy landing, this time in a Spitfire, tore off the port undercarriage leg.

    Joined 8th AF USAAF as 1st Lieut, but d. 19 Oct 1942 when he hit barrage balloons over Liverpool flying a Hurricane on a weather check.

    Originally buried Brookwood Cemetery, Guildford, then (from 1948) Enid Cemetery, OK

    ata ernest mcgehee grave

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  • Miller, Burton Craig

     M.344  First Officer Burton Craig Miller 
     flag usa  b. 8 Jul 1917, Louisville, KY 20 Feb 1941 to 19 Feb 1942 

     ata burton miller



    Mother: Zula [Troutman]

    Ed. Purdue University

    Next of Kin: (Father) Rodney Deane Miller, 7314 Phillips Ave, Chicago, IL. He was an accountant.

     prev. Flight Instructor for Athens Airways, Inc, Ohio

    prev.exp. 800 hrs

     Postings: 1FPP

    Suspended for 3 days in Dec-41 for 'contravention of daily standing orders';

    Suspended for 7 days and fined $25 in Feb-42 for breaches of flying discipline (dangerous flying).

    "Absolutely top class in every way; ability, keenness, influence and work unsurpassed" (Blimey)

    However, his camera was confiscated by the ATA in July 1941 after a letter home was intercepted, containing photographs of aircraft and expressing his dissatisfaction with the ATA.

    The ATA Security Officer suggested that he be searched at the port of departure for photographs and undeveloped film.

     Joined RAF Ferry Command but d. 22 Jun 1943 (age 25): Marauder FK129 crashed 35 m W of Borinquen, Puerto Rico

    Commemorated on the Ottawa Memorial

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  • Morrison, John

     M.358 * First Officer  John ?A Morrison 

    flag usa

    b. 1916/17, Nebraska  19 May 1941 to 30 May 1942 




    ATA file missing, so just guesswork:


    prev. Flight Instructor

    Address in 1940: Minneapolis MN

    He travelled back to Montreal on 18 Jun 1942 with his fellow American ferry pilots James Ansley, Clay Steffee, Russell Gates, Stuart Updike, Russell Gibson, Keith Williams, Kenneth Fogelberg, Nicholas Pickard, William Ressegger, and Clarence Conner.

    ? Joined RAF Ferry Command but d. 20 Nov 1942, when his Baltimore FA179 burst a tyre taking off at Geneina, Sudan. 2 of his crew were also injured

  • Price, Harold Lindsey

     M.--- * First Officer  Harold Lindsey Price 
     flag usa b. 21 Oct 1905, Alexandria City, Virginia  20 Feb to 7 Nov 1941 




     Father: Overton Westfeldt Price (d. 1914), Mother: Alice Virginia [Lindsey]

    Ed. Alexandria; Augusta Military Academy, Staunton; Naval Aviation Training School, Pensacola, FL

    prev. US Marine Corps pilot (7 years, including Haiti); crop duster from 1934

      Draft Card, dated 21 Jan 1941



     Staff Sergeant, US Marine Corps

    d. 19 Jan 1943 in an air crash near Homestead, Florida


    Commemorated at Presbyterian CemeteryAlexandriaAlexandria CityVirginiaUSA

    * File not seen

  • Privensal, Albert Joseph

     M.653  First Officer Albert Joseph Privensal 
     flag usa   b. 23 Feb 1904, Mt. Tabor, VT 23 Jul 1941 to 22 Jul 1942 




    Father Joseph Privensal (b. Canada, d. 1954)

    Ed. Hartford High, Georgetown University

    Address in 1941: 110 Montowese St, Hartford, Conn

    prev. "Retail and Wholesale Oil Business on own account" (he worked as a salesman in a gas station).

    RCAF Sgt Pilot 31 Dec 1940 - 18 Jul 1941

    prev. exp. 601 hrs

    m. 29 Jul 1926 in Stamford Conn, Elizabeth (Bessie) [West], 2 children

     Postings: 4aFPP, 8FPP, 1FPP

    4 accidents, 2 his fault:

    - 2 Oct 1941, his Magister ran into a Wellington when he overshot on landing,

    - 8 Jan 1942 overshot landing in a Hurricane

    - 20 Feb 1942, he was sitting in a Spitfire which was damaged by another one landing,

    - 10 May 1942, a forced landing in a Spitfire due to engine failure.

     "A good and reliable pilot"

    m. 16 Apr 1943 Esther Solveig Carlton (b. 1922 in Rangoon, Burma) in Calcutta, India

    d. 19 Nov 1943  - Kunming, Yunnan, China, flying for CNAC (China National Aviation Corp.)

    "He crash landed a China National Aircorp No. 59 ( Douglas C-53) due to bad weather near the air field. His remains were shipped to his widow in Calcutta where they were cremated."

    Memorial in Rose Hill Memorial Park, Hartford Co. Conn.

    Also commemorated at Aviation Martyrs Cemetery in Nanjing, China.

    See CNAC Captian Albert Joseph Privensal


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  • Ramsay, Iain

     M.--- *  First Officer Iain Ramsay
     flag scotland b. 2 Sep 1906, Isle of Islay, Argyll and Bute, Scotland 3 Dec 1940 to 18 Feb 1941 


       1942 (http://www.theflamingocrash.co.uk/)    


    Father: Capt. Iain Ramsay, Mother: Gwladys Marie de Grasse [Evans], of Kildalton, Isle of Islay

    RAeC Certificate 11409 dated 3 Sep 1933, taken at Hanworth Club (NFS)

    Address in 1933: Carse-by-Tarbert, Argyll

    prev. Imperial Airways pilot

    m. 1936 in Chelsea, London, Freda [Landen]



     Pilot Officer, RAF from 17 May 1941

     d. 30 Apr 1942 in the crash of D.H. 95 (Flamingo) R.2764, nr Great Ouseburn Village, Yorks

    "When approximately 3 ½ miles north of Great Ouseburn, Yorks and flying at a height of about 2,000ft. a defect developed in the starboard engine which caused No.7 cylinder to become detached from the crankcase.  A fire broke out almost immediately in the neighbourhood of the starboard engine nacelle and was of sufficient intensity to cause the starboard wing to break off at a point just outboard of the engine bearers and also to cause the starboard engine to break away.  The fuselage, port wing, port engine and port undercarriage unit fell to the ground and burst into flames."


    Buried Kilnaughton Old ChurchyardIsle of IslayArgyll and ButeScotland


     Memorial Plaque in Great Ouseburn

    See http://www.theflamingocrash.co.uk/community/the-flamingo-crash-20177/pilot-officer-iain-ramsay/

    * ATA file not seen

  • Salmon, Harold Nigel Egerton

     M.678 First Officer  Harold Nigel Egerton 'Harry' or 'Sammy' Salmon
     flag england b. 19 Jul 1909, London  27 Jan 1942 to  28 Feb 1943




    Father: Capt. William Francis Egerton RN; Mother: Laura Jean Mary Stevenson

    Ed. St Lawrence School, Ramsgate

     prev. RAF 1933-1941 (Flt-Lt, a former Battle of Britain pilot, but was dismissed in Nov 1941 for "siphoning off service petrol for his car")

      Harry and Celia bbm.org.uk

    Next of kin (wife): Celia Joan Salmon, 10 Crawley Mews, S Kensington, London SW7

    From 29 Mar 1942, an instructor at AFTS

    "A pilot of exceptional ability and a most enthusiastic and capable flying instructor"

    Veronica Volkersz was one of his pupils in April 1942: "Our instructor, tall, good-looking Harry Salmon, was a recent importation into ATA from the RAF"


     B 25 Mitchell

    d. 6 Dec 1943 when a pilot for RAF Ferry Command, in Mitchell FW159 lost out of Goose Bay. 3 other crew also died.

     Commemorated on the Ottawa Memorial, Panel 3, Column 2


    Full story (apart from the ATA bit!) here: http://www.bbm.org.uk/airmen/Salmon.htm

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  • Sandeman, Robert Hugh Malcolm

     M.35 Flight Captain  Robert Hugh Malcolm Sandeman 

    flag england

      b. 18 Jun 1908, Leicester 11 Sep 1939 to Sep-42 


    ata robert sandeman  1937


    March 1941



    Educated at Malvern, and Chillon College Switzerland

    A Stockbroker in 1937

    m. 26 Apr 1940 in Chelsea, Angie [de Waltersdorff]

    Address in 1940: 47 Rossmore Court, London NW

    Left ATA in September 1942 and transferred to RAF Ferry Command.


    d. 12 Nov 1942 in RAF Ferry Command, flying Catalina FP209 of 117 Sqn from Dorval which crashed in the Strait of Canso.

    Commemorated at Runnymede.

    ata runnymede annibal sandeman

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  • Scribbins, John Robert


     M.417  First Officer  John Robert Scribbins
     flag usa  b. 14 Apr 1919, Decatur, Illinois 19 Mar 1941 to  17 Mar 1942




    Father: John Adin Scribbins, an architect, Mother: Lula Irene [Nelson] of 510 McKinley Ave, Kewanee, IL

     Ed. Kewanee High School; Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) at Purdue University, Sep 1937 - June 1939

     at West Lafayette, Purdue University 1938


    prev. Asst Records Engineer for Allison Engineering, Indianapolis, Indiana

    prev. exp. 325 hrs in Cub, Aeronca, Taylorcraft, Waco F2, F7, Cabin (private owner)

     Draft Card, dated 1940

    Address in 1941: 1217 N New Jersey St, Indianapolis, IN

     Postings: 2FPP, 15FPP, 3FPP, 1FPP


    Off sick from 18 Jan to 26 Feb 1942 with "Twisted Ankle", which he did alighting from a taxi Anson


    Suspended 2 May 1941 for a week, without pay, due to "breach of flying regulations"


    2 accidents, both his fault:

    - 14 Jun 1941, he landed tail-first in a Hurricane and the tailwheel broke off

    - 29 Aug 1941, his Master I collided with an Oxford and crashed into a fence while trying to take off;

    Suspended 30 Aug 1941 for 4 days and fined $10 for "flying aircraft contrary to instructions, subsequent accident"


    Reprimanded 13 Mar 1942 for using a camera at White Waltham (to take pictures of the King and Queen when they visited the airfield on 13 Feb 1942). "The lightness of the award is due to the fact of F/O Scribbins' excellent record while in ATA, and the fact that he has only 9 days more to complete before the end of his contract"


    "A keen pilot and a good officer"

    The ATA offered to extend his contract, but he transferred to RAF Ferry Command

     d. 30 Dec 1942 in Boston IIIa BZ238, which went missing between Georgetown, British Guiana, and Belem, Brazil. The navigator and radio officer were also lost.




    Commemorated in Oak Lawn Memorial GardensGalesburgKnox CountyIllinoisUSA


    A Board of Officers was convened at White Waltham on the 13 Nov 1944, to decide what do do with "3 badly damaged books of Technical Notes belonging to the late F/O J R Scribbins". They sent them for incineration.


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  • Walmsley, Elwood Palmer

     M.329  First Officer Elwood Palmer Walmsley 

    flag canada

    flag usa

     b. 3 Nov 1914, Toronto Canada, naturalised American

    1 Feb 1941 to 31 Jan 1942

    [364 days]


     ata elwood walmsleyJan 1941 Chicago Tribune



    m. Dorothy 'Laverne' [Stark], 2 sons

    prev. flying instructor

    prev. exp. 2,225 hrs

    Address in 1941: 922 Gordon Terrace, Chicago, IL, USA

    [His brother-in-law Ken Fogelberg joined the ATA in May-41; Ken was married to Laverne's sister Jeslyn.]

    Postings: 1FPP

    "Has completely overcome his difficulties with regard to discipline and is now an excellent pilot and an excellent influence on the Pool as well."

    Joined RAF Ferry Command but d. 28 Mar 1943 (age 28) when Baltimore FA427 crashed and burned on takeoff at Nassau.

    Buried in Puerto Rico's National Cemetery

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  • Watson, James Christian Victor Kiero

      M.38* First Officer  James Christian Victor Kiero Watson 

    flag england

    b. 7 Apr 1904, Fleet, Hants  11 Sep 1939 to Dec-40 

      ata jcvk watson 1928 1928      


    Address in 1939: 11 Boyne Hill Ave, Maidenhead

    prev. Engineer, Straight Corporation

    Lieutenant-Commander in the RNVR

    Ferry Pool: Hucknall

    [Contract Terminated by ATA 30 Jun 1940 - Disciplinary Reasons] but re-instated


    d. 2 Jan 1944, in Oxford MP299 from HMS Godwit (the naval air station at Hinstock, Shropshire) which spun into the ground at The Wrekin. 

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  • Wickford, Ralph Theodore

     M.--- 2nd Officer  Ralph Theodore Wickford 

    flag usa

     b. 23 May 1905, Melrose, MA  17 Aug 1940 to 12 Sep 1940 

      ata ralph wickford 1940      


    Adddress in 1940: Lowell Rd, Concord, MA

    d. 6 Oct 1942 (suicide) - Palm Beach, FL

    "The body of 2nd Lieut. Ralph T. Wickford, 38-year-old Army pilot, was found hanging in his quarters at Morrison Field early this morning.

    Wickford joined the Army in 1924 and became a mechanic for Jimmy Doolittle. He left the service to enter commercial aviation in 1926. He re-enlisted last January and was assigned here in April. He had more than 5,000 hrs to his credit. He once was personal pilot for Alfred G. Vanderbilt." 

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  ATA Organisation


map ata ferry pools

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  • EFTS / IFTS - Elementary / Initial Flying Training School
  • AMF / Air Movements Flight (1942–45)
  • AFTS - Advanced Flying Training School (1942–45)


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