M.334 First Officer   Kenneth Russell Arnette
 flag usa   b. 31 Aug 1912, Rutherfordton VA  25 Jan 1941 to Jan-42

 ata kenneth arnetteATA



Married, no children

prev. Barnstorming; Arnette's Air Show (Stunting shows)

Address in 1941: Henderson, NC

Next of Kin: c/o Arnette's Ice Cream Co., Richmond, Virginia

Postings: 2FPP, 3FPP

"A sound and experienced pilot and in every way satisfactory."

Killed in action in the India-Burma Theatre 4 Feb 1945

buried Jefferson Barracks National Military Cemetery – St. Louis, Mo.

"Learned to fly at the Meyer Airport near Hendersonville, N.C. A graduate of Hendersonville High School where he was an outstanding athlete, he is survived by his mother and four brothers. James Arnette Jr served in the US Navy, Sgt Roy A Arnette with the AAF in France, W C Arnette with the Seabees in the Aleutians, and Milton Prince Arnette, who lives in Hendersonville."

His brother Roy owned Arnette's Ice Cream Co; he was killed when 3 armed men robbed the company in 1974, hit him on the head and shot him in the arm.

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