M.157  First Officer James Evelyn Brian Duigan 

flag nz

  b. 5 May 1918, Auckland NZ 27 Sep 1940 to Feb-42 

 ata james duigan ATA      


One of 3 sons of Sir John Evelyn Duigan, Chief of the General Staff of the New Zealand Military Forces from 1937 to 1941

Ed. NZ University (B.A. NZ), R.N. College

prev. Dept of Internal Affairs, NZ Gov't

Pilot Officer RNZAF then RAF Sep-38 to Sep-40

Postings: 1FPP

He was blamed for a wheels-up forced landing in a Hurricane in Dec-40; "Pilot should not have taken off when he knew weather conditions were bad and is entirely responsible."

However, by 1942 his discipline had "improved beyond all knowledge, and he is a first class asset to the Pool."

[Contract Terminated by Mutual Consent]

d. 17 Jun 1945 on a delivery flight in Canada

buried Metis Beach (United Church) Cemetery, Quebec, Canada

 Download ATA Pilot Personal Record (.zip file):download grey


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