M.609  First Officer

Russell Alfred 

[sometimes known as 'Alfred Russell'

'Gibby' Gibson


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  b. 12 Nov 1920, Massillon, OH  

1 Jun 1941 to 31 May 1942


8 Sep 1942 to 31 Aug 1943




Father: Russell Ulyssus Gibson, a carpenter; mother Marion Bole Gibson [originally English?]

Ed. High School in Bexley, OH

prev. a Flight Instructor with Miller Flying School, Columbus OH

Address in 1941: 2708 Allegheny Ave, Columbus OH

Postings: 4FPP, 3FPP

"This pilot's flying is neat and safe. He appears keen and willing to learn from experience."

"Apt to be overconfident."

He travelled back to Montreal on 18 Jun 1942 with his fellow American ferry pilots James Ansley, Clay Steffee, John Morrison, Stuart Updike, Ken Fogelberg, Keith Williams, Russell Gates, Nicholas Pickard, William Ressegger, and Clarence Conner.

 After his second ATA contract, he sailed back from Scotland to New York on the 5 Aug 1943.

CNAC November 1943 - 1947 flying 'The Hump' between India and China. See CNAC Captian A. Russell Gibson

In 1948, he and his brother-in-law John F. ['Johnny'] Shoemaker established a transport business called 'Air Carriers Ltd'. in Hong Kong, using a C-46.

d. 11 Apr 2001 - California

His wife Jackie wrote to CNAC in 2009: "Thank you for your letter regarding my husband, "Gibby" Gibson and about CNAC. I found it interesting and will be happy to talk to you more about him. He joined the ATA in England before America was involved in WW II and joined CNAC after the start of the War. I have some data about CNAC which he left in 1947 after 199 trips over the hump. He flew with them as Capt. and left with 3,057 hrs. of flying C47, C-46 and DC-4s. We met in Rangoon in 1949 and married in 1950 so that was after his years with CNAC. He retired from JAL in 1980, where he was flying 747's and as you already know he died in 2001 here in California."

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