- Later flew 'The Hump' with CNAC

  • Allen, Raymond Sylvester

     M.---- First Officer  Raymond Sylvester Allen 
     flag usa   b. 15 Jan 1921, Bristow Oklahoma 22 Mar 1941 to 21 Mar 1942




    Father: Joe Allen, mother Agnes [Johnson]

    "He resigned as an instructor and pilot at Beaumont, MO with a record of 1,800 commercial flying hours" - The World, 28 Apr 1941

    Sailed back to the US on the SS Vibran on 20 Mar 1942 with fellow American ferry pilots James Bruce Warren, Jack Edison Jenkins, Homer Edward Anderson (M.496), Robert Leonard Hamilton, John Cleveland Davis (M.416), James Emor O'Halloran, John R Scribbens, Paul Blecker Makepeace, George H Robertson, Frank C Hoffman, William Raymond Cooper (M.531) and Emmett Chaffin

    Later flew 'The Hump' with CNAC - see CNAC Captain Raymond S. Allen


    d. 5 Aug 1999, Bristow OK

  • Anderson, Homer Edward

     M.496  First Officer Homer Edward Anderson 
    flag usa  b. 30 Jan 1918, Terre Haute, IN

    13 Mar 1941 to 16 Mar 1942

     [368 days]




    Ed. Indian State High School, Terre Haute; W.C. Bryant Grammar School, University of New Mexico

    Next of kin: (Mother) Mrs F R Jones, 3405 Wabash-Terre Haute, IN

    prev. a trainee for Sears Roebuck & Co, Chicago IL.

    Address in 1941: 922 Gordon Terrace, Chicago IL

    Sailed back to the US on the SS Vibran on 20 Mar 1942 with fellow American ferry pilots James Bruce Warren, Jack Edison Jenkins, Emmett Chaffin (M.568), Robert Leonard Hamilton, John Cleveland Davis (M.416), James Emor O'Halloran, John R Scribbens, Paul Bleecker Makepeace, Raymond Sylvester Allen, George H Robertson, Frank C Hoffman, William Raymond Cooper (M.531)

    Later flew 'The Hump' with CNAC - See CNAC Captain Homer E. Anderson, Jr.

    Joined Consolidated Airways Inc. (Convair's own transport service, which used B-24s to carry personnel and cargo, and delivered aircraft, to the Pacific Theatre), and moved to San Diego then Santa Cruz, CA.

    m. Marilyn [Richardson] of Jacksonville, FL. Their son Homer Edward Anderson III was born in Santa Cruz, CA on 6 May 1944.

    d. Sep 1973, Seattle WA

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  • Boyd, Casey Thomas

     M.176  First Officer Casey Thomas Boyd 

    flag usa

     b. 3 Aug 1911, Clayton, AL  25 Oct 1940 to 24 Apr 1943 



    Father: George T Boyd, Mother: Mary Clara

    Ed. High School, Blue Springs, AL

    prev. Aviation Machinist; US Navy pilot from 1930 to 1940

    Arrived in Liverpool on 20 Nov 1940, having sailed from Montreal, with fellow ATA pilot William Gregg

    Postings: 8FPP, 2FPP, 14FPP

    Class V (4-engine) pilot

    Suspended for a week in 1941 due to "Breach of regulations relating to collection of aircraft", and

    Suspended for another day and fined $20 due to going AWOL

    4 accidents, none deemed his fault:

    - 1 Feb 1941, the wheels of his Blenheim stuck in an unmarked soft patch

    - 28 Jan 1942, on landing his Beaufort AW345 on slippery ground at Kemble, the brakes failed to grip "owing to [the] bad state of Kemble aerodrome for delivery of Beaufort aircraft"

    - 10 Apr 1942, whilst taxying his Beaufighter I X7825 at Sealand, the tail wheel fell into a small unmarked excavation

    - 14 Oct 1942, forced landing after the starboard engine of his Beaufighter VIc T5265 failed on take off, possibly due to the engine running for a long period on the ground


    "Continues to be a most valuable member of this Pool, both as regards his flying qualities and his conduct."

    Transferred to RAF Ferry Command

    Casey's Draft Card, dated 26 Jul 1943

    Later flew 'The Hump with CNAC - see CNAC Captian Casey T. Boyd


     d. 24 Nov 1970 - Clayton, Alabama

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  • Browne, James Sallee

     M.530 2nd Officer   James Sallee 'Jimmy' Browne

    flag usa

     b. 27 Jan 1921, Evanston IL  22 May 1941 to Mar-42


     ata james sollee browne




    Promoted to First Officer, 15 Feb 1942;

    Demoted to 2nd Officer, 6 Mar 1942 [Dangerous Flying and taking off on an unauthorised flight]

    "Hardworking and capable but not always reliable - now and again indulges in low or dangerous flying"

    [Contract Terminated 23 Mar 1942 by ATA - Disciplinary Reasons]

    d. c.17 Nov 1942; his China National Air Corporation C-47 went missing flying between China and India.

    In October 1945, his mother wrote to the ATA:

    "Dear Sir,

    We have today received the log book of our son, James S Browne, who was in your service '41-2 as First Officer. He was first stationed at Maidenhead and later at Ratcliffe Hall, Leicester. Perhaps you did not know him personally, or may not have been at White Waltham at the time he was in service - but, in any case, I wanted to let you know that after he returned to the States April 1942, he was engaged by the Pan American & China National Aviation Corporation to transport supplies over the 'Hump' from India to China.

    He flew a DC-3 to Calcutta shortly after his return from England and shortly after his arrival there, was made Captain of a C-47. As you may know that is the most treacherous flying in the world, and the weather conditions are very bad.

    Jim has been missing since Nov 17, 1942. and no trace of him, the plane, or the crew. Almost three years have passed and, of course, we are offered no hope from the China { } - the anxiety has been terrible. He was 21 and our only child.

    It does not help to know that millions of others are also suffering. This is our own personal sorrow.

    I shall be so very glad if you will be good enough to let us know if you happened to know Jim, or did anyone else in your station - it would be a comfort to us to hear from any of his friends. It seems so unreal to us now, that year he spent in England, so long ago - but it was only in 1941. We had not entered the war at the time and Jim did not have to go, but was anxious to try out for that job. He was so very young.

    Hoping to hear from you again, which we shall very much appreciate.


    Harriet S Browne (Mrs Herbert S Browne)

    653 Hill Road, Winnetka, Illinois"

    The wreckage was not discovered until 2011, 13,400 feet up a mountain in China's Yunnan province.

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  • Cooper, William Raymond

     M.531  First Officer William Raymond Cooper 

    flag usa

     b. 6 Jun 1914, Prescott, AR  18 May 1941 to Mar-42




    prev. New Orleans Private Police. Service as Private Patrolman;

    National Guard - Army Sergeant

    Ground Instructor Aviator

    prev. exp. 380 hrs

    Postings: 3FPP, 15FPP

    Later flew 'The Hump' for CNAC - see CNAC Captain William Cooper


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  • Genovese, Joseph

     M.631  First Officer Joseph 'Gen' Genovese 
     flag usa  b. 6 Jan 1911, New York 24 Jul 1941 to 23 Jul 1942 


    ata joseph genovese cnac

    with China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC) flying 'The Hump' between India and China, 1942-3




    Ed. New York University (B.S. in Commerce)


    prev. a commercial pilot, and aircraft production engineer. USA Air Corps Flying Cadet from Sep-38 to Apr-39,

    Address in 1941: 4144 Pacific Highway, San Diego CA

    Address of mother (Anna): 68 Aberdeen St., Brooklyn, NY

    Postings: 16FPP, 6FPP, 1FPP

    He was suspended without pay 3 times in his year with the ATA:

    - 15 Feb 42, for 3 days, for 'conduct and neglect prejudicious to the interest of A.T.A.';

    - 26 Apr 42, for 2 days for Low Flying, and

    - 7 Jul 42, for 7 days for Shooting up Ratcliffe.

    And also had one accident, when he force-landed his Airacobra after a complete engine failure. Not his fault.

    His C.O. reckoned him a "willing and able pilot, somewhat self-opinionated in character", but a later report describes him as "a very capable pilot but unreliable both as an officer and in the air."

    He says he was offered a new contract but declined it, because "I was eternally maddened by that rule against instrument flying. They should have been teaching it to their pilots instead of forbidding them to do it; had they done so many lives might have been saved."

    After ATA and then CNAC, he joined Republic as a test pilot. In March 1944, he was the pilot of a Thunderbolt which suffered engine failure: "Miss Marjorie McCutcheon was treated for bruises when a plane crashed into her home. The plane glided downward on a line toward the McCutcheon home, shearing 3 powerline poles before crashing into the kitchen. Capt Genovese was bruised and one knee was injured."

    Wrote 'We Flew Without Guns', 1945 (having apparently promoted himself to 'Flight Captain'):

    We Flew Without Guns Ad front

    d. 10 Apr 2010



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  • Gibson, Alfred Russell

     M.609  First Officer

    Russell Alfred 

    [sometimes known as 'Alfred Russell'

    'Gibby' Gibson


    flag usa

      b. 12 Nov 1920, Massillon, OH  

    1 Jun 1941 to 31 May 1942


    8 Sep 1942 to 31 Aug 1943




    Father: Russell Ulyssus Gibson, a carpenter; mother Marion Bole Gibson [originally English?]

    Ed. High School in Bexley, OH

    prev. a Flight Instructor with Miller Flying School, Columbus OH

    Address in 1941: 2708 Allegheny Ave, Columbus OH

    Postings: 4FPP, 3FPP

    "This pilot's flying is neat and safe. He appears keen and willing to learn from experience."

    "Apt to be overconfident."

    He travelled back to Montreal on 18 Jun 1942 with his fellow American ferry pilots James Ansley, Clay Steffee, John Morrison, Stuart Updike, Ken Fogelberg, Keith Williams, Russell Gates, Nicholas Pickard, William Ressegger, and Clarence Conner.

     After his second ATA contract, he sailed back from Scotland to New York on the 5 Aug 1943.

    CNAC November 1943 - 1947 flying 'The Hump' between India and China. See CNAC Captian A. Russell Gibson

    In 1948, he and his brother-in-law John F. ['Johnny'] Shoemaker established a transport business called 'Air Carriers Ltd'. in Hong Kong, using a C-46.

    d. 11 Apr 2001 - California

    His wife Jackie wrote to CNAC in 2009: "Thank you for your letter regarding my husband, "Gibby" Gibson and about CNAC. I found it interesting and will be happy to talk to you more about him. He joined the ATA in England before America was involved in WW II and joined CNAC after the start of the War. I have some data about CNAC which he left in 1947 after 199 trips over the hump. He flew with them as Capt. and left with 3,057 hrs. of flying C47, C-46 and DC-4s. We met in Rangoon in 1949 and married in 1950 so that was after his years with CNAC. He retired from JAL in 1980, where he was flying 747's and as you already know he died in 2001 here in California."

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  • Gingiss, Aleck Jack

     M.655  First Officer  Aleck Jack 'Al' Gingiss
     flag usa   b. 9 Aug 1915, St. Paul MN 16 Jul 1941 to 15 Jul 1942 


    ata al gingiss cnac

    with China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC) flying 'The Hump' between India and China, 1942-3




    Ed. Hibbard High School, Chicago

    Address in 1941: 2100 Lincoln Park W, Chicago IL

    Next of kin: (Mother) Betty Gingiss

    prev. "Pilot. Salesman. Treasurer. [of what?]"

     prev. exp. 1500hrs

    Postings: 1FPP

    Off sick from 22 Mar to 25 Apr with appendicitis.

    "A pilot of fully average ability. Has carried out his duties satisfactorily."

    'Gen' Genovese says Al was "addicted to horseplay", because "you can't fly constantly under the most difficult conditions without having some kind of relief... so, a lot of us took our relief in the air - in horseplay."

    One such incident was when Al, Genovese and Steve Beville [q.v.], on a delivery flight in December 1941, discovered that their 3 Hurricanes had loaded guns, so they used them to do some duck-shooting; taking aim at the royal ducks in the grounds of Windsor Castle. "Actually you don't hit many ducks... the accuracy required when drawing a bead on a slow-moving mallard through the gun-sights on a Hurricane doing 250 mph is enough to make it a truly competitive proposition."

    Unfortunately, Al flew straight into a flock of ducks, which cracked his windscreen, broke his propeller, and, when he jettisoned the hood it crashed into the vertical tail fin.

    He made a good forced landing. "The story he told the Accident Committe was far more interesting", says Genovese; "He was flying extremely low due to bad weather, and, in accordance with international law, he flew on the right side of the tracks. Becuse he couldn't see clearly, he ran smack into a flight of ducks."

    "The fault was entirely on the part of the ducks," Gingiss concluded in relating his story. "They were flying on the wrong side of the tracks."

    He got away with it. The official report simply says "Landed on rough part of runway & nosed over. Pilot forced to make glide approach in difficult wind conditions as he had flown into flight of bird."

    The following month, Al and Gen were delivering a couple of Beaufighters to Scotland. Again, Al made the "happy discovery" that his guns were loaded. "He fired a couple of bursts under my tail by way of telling me what he had found. I promptly investigated and found mine in the same condition."

    They looked around for something to shoot up, and discovered some mines just off-shore. They exploded 9 mines between them in 20 minutes, then completed their deliveries.

    The Air Ministry "raised particular hell about that little incident - in a dignified way, of course. All ATA pilots (especially "American pilots") were "warned and advised against such conduct, on pain of permanent suspension."

     "I have a sneaking suspicion they're talking about us", Al said.

    d. Jan 21, 2006, "devoted husband of Carmel (nee Becker), loving father of Nancy, Steven and Anthony Gingiss, dear brother of the late Bill, Ben, Birdie Rosenthal and Mitzi Bessman, cherished grandfather of Frances, Gabrielle and Abby Gingiss, fond uncle of many nieces and nephews, dear brother-in-law of Veronica Gingiss."

    Obituary here


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  • Holloway, Joseph Benjamin

     M.270  First Officer

    Joseph Benjamin 'J. B.' Holloway


    flag usa

     b. 27 Jun 1909, Columbus, Georgia

    12 Dec 1940 to 11 Dec 1941

    [364 days]




    Ed. High School in Georgia and Florida

    m. with 2 children

    prev. 6 yrs Marines, 9mo Aviation Corps, USMCRA

    a Pilot Mechanic

    Address in 1940: 2780 NW North River Dr, Miami, Florida (Mother, Mrs Tom Taylor)

     Postings: 2FPP

     He was commended for a successful forced landing in a Westland Whirlwind in Jul-41


    In 2004 Florence Mueller wrote: "He was in ATC before the war started and was in for the duration. He was married to my sister Esther in Miami in the late 1930's. They were divorced after the war. J.B. was killed in a plane crash in the mid 50's, flying hops from Miami to the Caribbean islands. I have a silver cigarette case with a map of the hump area with tiny gems in the cities where he stopped. It was my sister's who is deceased.

    See http://cnac.org/index.html

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  • Lane, James Victor

     M.627  First Officer  James Victor 'Skippy' Lane Jr
     flag usa   b. 10 Feb 1915, Los Angeles CA

     18 Jul 1941 to 20 Jul 1942


    14 Apr 1943 to 13 Apr 1945




    prev. an Operator of Motor Boats, and then a Flight Instructor for Dallas Aviation School, TX

     Address in 1941: PO Box 9695 Los Feliz Station, Los Angeles

    Postings: 6FPP, 4bFPP, 1FPP, 3FPP

    11 May 1942, Suspended for two days for "taking off down wind in (adverse weather)

    27 Sep 1943, Reprimanded for disobedience of airfield regulations at Litchfield


    6 accidents, 2 his fault: 

    - 7 Dec 1941, landed a Hurricane wheels-up after engine failure;

    - 11 Apr 1942, Commended for his prompt action when he force landed a Blenheim after he noticed signs of lubrication failure;

    - 30 Jun 1943, he made a single engine landing in a Blenheim IV after port engine failure;

    - 12 Dec 1943, when taking off in a Martlet the arrester hook dropped onto the runway; he abandoned the take-off but the aircraft swung and a wingtip was damaged. He had failed to check the arrester hook was locked.

    - 11 May 1944, he had to land his Thunderbolt wheels-up when the failure of a weld on the port undercarriage strut meant it got stuck in the 'up' position.

    - 30 Aug 1944, his Vengeance caught fire as it was landing, due to a filler cap coming adrift near the exhaust


    "A steady and capable pilot, and a good officer" "Always willing"

    m. 20 Feb 1943 in Calcutta, Constance Evelyn [Gibbon, b. 1904 in India]

    During the period July 1942 to April 1943, he flew 'The Hump' for CNAC (China National Aviation Corp.). see CNAC Captain James Lane

    Sailed back to the USA 18 Apr 1945, with Constance, and fellow ATA pilot Donald Richardson (M.575), his English wife and their son.

    m. 1953 Gladys Irene [Rupert]

    d. 12 Mar 1961 (age 46) - Los Angeles


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  • Newmeyer, Richard Cushman

     M.581 First Officer   Richard Cushman Newmeyer

    flag usa

     b. 12 Nov 1908, Cleveland OH  31 May 1941 to 31 Aug 1942 

     ata richard newmeyer 1932 1932



    A descendant of Elder Robert Cushman of the Mayflower Expedition.

    Father: William Lawrence Newmeyer, originally from Argentina;

    Mother Sophie [Richardson], a playwright (Richard, sister Sophie and his brother Don acted in her plays, e.g. 'Half Loaves', a "sparkling comedy of modern life", and 'The Love Lease').

    Ed. University of California Berkeley (Law)

    A member of the University Life Saving Corps and an instructor in swimming and life-saving. "He has on several occasions had opportunity to put his life-saving ability to practical test in rescuing persons from drowning."

    m. Sandra

    prev. a Secondary School English Teacher, Kern Co. High

    prev. exp. 280 hrs, private flying

    Address in 1941: 2110 N Kern St, Bakersfield, CA then 10250 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA

     Postings: 1FPP, 2FPP

    2 accidents, neither his fault:

    - 19 Nov 1941, the brakes failed and he taxied a Battle into a hedge;

    - 19 Jun 1942, another brake problem, in a Harvard, led to an uncontrolled swing on landing.

    "A pilot of exceptional ability and keenness, whose good discipline and conscientious work made him a great asset to this pool."

     Later flew 'The Hump' for CNAC - see CNAC Captain Richard C. Newmeyer


    ata richard newmeyer brazil visa 1945

    Richard's Visitor Visa for Brazil, 1945

    Later a teacher (as was his wife Sandara) in San Pedro, CA

    d. 8 Jul 1995 - Bakersfield CA

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  • Petach, Julius

     M.633  2nd Officer Julius 'Pete' Petach 
     flag usa   b. 12 Aug 1916, McKeesport, PA 3 Aug 1941 to 2 Aug 1942 

     ata julius petatch 1933  1933

     ata julius petach 1944 1944    


    Father: John Petach; mother Helen [Plovajka], both originally from Slovakia

    Ed. Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH

    prev. Commercial Flying for Riddle Aeronautical Institute, Arcadia;

    Flight Cadet in USAAC Aug 1940 - Mar 1941

    Address in 1941: 1808 Tacoma Ave, McKeesport, PA

    Postings: 1FPP

    Off sick from 16 Nov 1941 to 18 Mar 1942 after an aircraft crash:

    - 15 Nov 1941, he made a forced landing in an Oxford after engine failure; severely injured ("numerous gashes on his forehead and arms"). Responsibility not established.


    - 1 Aug 1942,  he mishandled the controls and the tail rose too quickly when taking off in a Walrus (pilot blamed)

    "A safe pilot, desperately keen and over-anxious to get on. Is very over-confident, which can be said to be his only fault, and requires rather severe handling to be held in restraint."

    He met Helen Richey, also from McKeesport, during his training, Later he said of her, "that girl has enough flying ability for three people. She can handle any plane they give her and was flying Spitfires when I left. She asked me to tell her family that she is all right."

    1942-44 Joined Pan American C.N.A.C. and flew supplies from India to China, over the Himalayas - see CNAC Captain Julius Petach

    ata petach and allen CNAC 1944 (l), with Peter Gouterie and Ray Allen (ex-ATA)

    "They don't bother to go to church, these hard-bitten pilots who are flying the Hump, China's life line over the Roof of the World.. 'They don't have to', says cocky, cynical little Captain Julius Petach, all man, every inch of his brief five-foot-two who has followed the adventure trail from his home in comfortable, middle-class Tahoma Street in Port Vue to the sky lanes over Burma and India and China."

    He said, "There's been more prayin' in the last year and a half on the route over the Hump than in any other country. In fact, there's plenty of time when all you've got left is a prayer." Pittsburg Post-Gazette

    [In the interview, he claimed to have previously delivered planes 'across the Atlantic', so it's possible that he briefly joined RAF Ferry Command between leaving ATA and joining CNAC in November 1942.]

    m. 1947 in Winchester, VA,  ata elise petach Antoinette Elise [Hach, d.2010] (2 children)

    Later a Customer Engineer for IBM

    d. 8 Oct 2000 (age 84) - Louisville, KY

    Buried Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, KY


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  • Privensal, Albert Joseph

     M.653  First Officer Albert Joseph Privensal 
     flag usa   b. 23 Feb 1904, Mt. Tabor, VT 23 Jul 1941 to 22 Jul 1942 




    Father Joseph Privensal (b. Canada, d. 1954)

    Ed. Hartford High, Georgetown University

    Address in 1941: 110 Montowese St, Hartford, Conn

    prev. "Retail and Wholesale Oil Business on own account" (he worked as a salesman in a gas station).

    RCAF Sgt Pilot 31 Dec 1940 - 18 Jul 1941

    prev. exp. 601 hrs

    m. 29 Jul 1926 in Stamford Conn, Elizabeth (Bessie) [West], 2 children

     Postings: 4aFPP, 8FPP, 1FPP

    4 accidents, 2 his fault:

    - 2 Oct 1941, his Magister ran into a Wellington when he overshot on landing,

    - 8 Jan 1942 overshot landing in a Hurricane

    - 20 Feb 1942, he was sitting in a Spitfire which was damaged by another one landing,

    - 10 May 1942, a forced landing in a Spitfire due to engine failure.

     "A good and reliable pilot"

    m. 16 Apr 1943 Esther Solveig Carlton (b. 1922 in Rangoon, Burma) in Calcutta, India

    d. 19 Nov 1943  - Kunming, Yunnan, China, flying for CNAC (China National Aviation Corp.)

    "He crash landed a China National Aircorp No. 59 ( Douglas C-53) due to bad weather near the air field. His remains were shipped to his widow in Calcutta where they were cremated."

    Memorial in Rose Hill Memorial Park, Hartford Co. Conn.

    Also commemorated at Aviation Martyrs Cemetery in Nanjing, China.

    See CNAC Captian Albert Joseph Privensal


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  • Robertson, George Arthur

     M.608 First Officer  George Arthur 'Robbie' Robertson 
     flag usa b. 12 Aug 1910, Henniker NH  12 Jun 1941 to 11 Mar 1942 

     ata george robertson 1951 1951



    Ed. High School and Technical School, ACTS Canute Field, IL (Hugh School Diploma) 

    prev. US Air Corps, 99th Observation Sqn 1927-33;

    "pilot, instructor, radio operator, airplane and engine mechanic, parachute rigger" (sounds like a useful chap)

    prev. exp. 2,050 hrs

    m. 1930 Evelyn Beatrice [Fortune]

    Address in 1941: 804 Mulberry St, Macon GA

    Postings: 1FPP, 3FPP

    Suspended 8 Jul 1941 for 14 days for low flying;

    Reprimanded 29 Jan 1942 for "incorrect statement at official report"

    3 accidents, 2 his fault:

    - 4 Jan 1942, he landed his Wellington on the wrong runway, swung off and collided with a parked Hampden;

    - 13 Jan 1942, he was unable to control the landing of another Wellington and the port wing hit the ground (not his fault, apparently), and

    - 21 Feb 1942, he overshot a landing in a Spitfire after the flaps failed to lower and hit a parked aircraft (his fault, apparently).

    "A very keen pilot"


    Later flew 'The Hump' with CNAC - see CNAC Captain George Arthur Robertson


    m. 1947 in New York, Viola M [Makara]


    Here are some of his Immigration cards for Brazil:

    - in 1949:

    ata george robertson brazil entry cert 1949


    - in 1951:

     ata george robertson brazil entry cert 1951

    and in 1957:

    ata George Robertson Brazil Entry Cert 1957


    d. 27 May 1995 in Florida

     See CNAC Captain George Arthur Robertson

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  • Skillen, Frank Pope

     M.273 First Officer  Frank Pope Skillen 
     flag usa b. 5 Oct 1908, Jacksonville, FL   3 Dec 1940 to 2 Dec 1941




    b. Frank Pope Hawkins, adopted by George A Skillen in 1922

    (Step)Father: George Armstrong Skillen, a painting contractor; Mother: Julia S [Pope]

    Ed. Riverside Military Academy, Gainsville, GA

    prev. Private First Class, US Marine Corps VS3MR Scouting Squadron 1932-36; Instructor, Pilot (Charter work - Magis City Flying Service), Aviation Mechanic

    prev. exp. 824 hrs

    m. 24 Jan 1931 in Florida, Dorothy [Maxwell] (divorced 1935)

    m. 1 Feb 1936 in Florida, Helen Marie [Sybilrud] (one son, Frank Jr b. 1944)

    Address in 1940: 1115 Florida Ave, W Palm Beach, FL

    Frank's Draft Card, dated 16 Oct 1940

     Postings: 4FPP, 3FPP

     4 accidents, 1 his fault:

    - 5 Mar 1941, an undercarriage problem with his Fairey Battle P6758

    - 22 May 1941, commended for a forced landing after engine failure in Audax K7342

    - 9 Jul 1941, taxying 'without due care' in Spitfire R7216 at Peterhead in a high tailwind, stick back and nobody on the tail

    - 12 Aug 1941, an incident in a Tomahawk AK154 (insufficient evidence to allocate blame)


    "A very keen and sound pilot. Has done well in this Pool"

    After ATA, sailed back to the USA on 19 Dec 1941 with fellow ATA pilots W Hanks, Ruby Garrett, P Lowman, J R Holloway, G C Shreve, S C Neville, G R Heintz, and Franklyn Rule Mershon. 

     Helen went to Detroit in April 1942 to join Frank, who was stationed there with the "USAC Ferry Command"

    Frank and Tech. Sgt. Jesse Bowling had a narrow escape in October 1942 when their twin-engine bomber, having taken off from Greenland, developed a port engine fire and they had to ditch in the icy sea. They swam 100 ft to an ice floe and Bowling, who got there first, pulled Frank on. He later said, "I never could have got out myself."

    They paddled for two hours (using a seat from the plane) and then spent 9 hours waiting for rescue, finally being spotted after they spelt out 'HELP' with letters torn from a parachute. They then spent 5 days in hospital. - Kansas City Times, 28 Sep 1943

     "He flew 187 missions in the China-Burma-India, Asiatic, and European Theaters of Operation" - Palm Beach Post, 1951

    Assigned to Military Air Transport Group, of Air Transport Command's Ferrying Division at Fort Dix Army Base in 1945. "He spent 20 months overseas, and from his combat record has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal." - Miami Herald, 26 Aug 1945

    The Air Medal was for "150 hrs of operational flight in transport aircraft over the dangerous and difficult India-China air routes". - Palm Beach Post, Mar 1945

    Later, an instructor at Bartow Air Base

     Moved to Winter Haven from Palm Beach in 1952

    Helen d. 1993

    d. 17 Nov 1994 - Winter Haven, Polk Co., FL

      Lakeside Memorial ParkWinter HavenPolk CountyFlorida

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  • Wiss, Carl Stanley

     M.335 First Officer  Carl Stanley "Candy" Wiss 
     flag usa  b. 19 Jul 1919, Chicago, IL  28 Jan 1941 to 7 Apr 1942

       1938 - https://cnac.org/



     Father: Carl Teodor Wiss, (b. 1891 in Germany), Mother: Sophie (b. in Poland), of 470 14th St, San Francisco, CA

    Ed. High School; Wright's College

    prev. exp. 400 hrs

    prev. pilot, instructor; Flying Cadet, Army Air Corps, (Randolph Field, TX 12 Feb to 16 Jun 1940)

      Draft card, dated 16  Oct 1940

     Postings: 2FPP, 15FPP, 14FPP, 3FPP, 8FPP

    2 accidents, neither his fault: 

    - 4 Sep 1941, the port undercarriage leg of his Wellington X9921 retracted during landing, due to a technical fault

    - 1 Dec 1941, an "unsuccessful" forced landing on Millom airfield in Hawker Hector K9729, (of all things)   © Dave Welch Collection


    "A keen and enthusiastic pilot"



    Later flew for CNAC (China National Airline Corporation) 1944-48 - see https://cnac.org/wiss01.htm

    Address in 1948: 2263 37th Ave, San Francisco

    He received severe face and head injuries in the crash of a CNAC C-46 in Mukden, China on 20 Jan 1948, and flew back to the USA from there on 4 Feb 1948.


    "January 1, 2001
    From Jim Dalby
    "Carl Wiss -- I didn't know what happened to Carl after I left. About 1993 he called me and said that he had been a street person in San Francisco for many years. He was in terrible straits and wanted my help in getting him into the VA hospital in the Napa Valley. I got his veteran status worked out and he entered the VA hospital and died there. That is all I know. Or think I know.


     d. 26 Dec 1994, San Francisco

    Buried San Joaquin Valley National CemeterySanta NellaMerced CountyCA

    He "died leaving no known relatives or will... There is reported to be a considerable Estate."


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  • Young, Austin Frank

     M.452 First Officer Austin Frank Young Jr
     flag usa b. 19 Dec 1920, Indianapolis, IN  10 Apr 1941 to 9 Apr 1945 

     ata austin frank young 1959 1959



    Ed. Culver Military Academy, Michigan State College, Tulsa School of Aeronautics

    Address in 1941: Lake Fenton, Fenton MI

    2nd Lieut in US Cavalry Reserve 1938

     He was one of three ATA pilots who survived the sinking of the SS Nerissa

     He was off sick from 9 to 25 May 1941 with "foot injuries sustained in shipwreck"

     m. 1943 Norah M L [Palmer] in London

    Later flew 'The Hump' with CNAC - see CNAC Captain Austin Young


    Sailed back to the US on the 'Ile de France', with Norah, on the 26 Apr 1945. Fellow American ATA pilot Victor Pieper and his English wife Hazel accompanied them.

    His father bought a car agency - the Twin-City Chevrolet Co - in West Palm Beach for him. He "became well-known in flying and sporting-car circles."

    Divorced from Norah in 1950


    m. 1951 in Florida, Edith [Walters], a stewardess for Eastern Air Lines:

    edith walters young 1951


    m. 1954 in Florida, Corrinne Edith [Huber]  [3 children]

    In 1959 he joined up with Cuban Sergio Hernandez Reyes and Peter Lambton, the son of ex-ATA pilot Ruth Ballard, in a CIA plot to overthrow Castro. They went to Cuba, but were captured almost immediately and sentenced to jail.

    ata austin young and peter lambton 1959 Austin Young and Peter Lambton, awaiting trial

     Austin was released after 42 months, having repeatedly escaped from Cuban jails.

     Meanwhile, Corinne worked as a waitress and looked after the 3 children...


    d. 12 Jul 1978, Florida

     Download ATA Pilot Personal Record (.zip file):download grey

  ATA Organisation


map ata ferry pools

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  • EFTS / IFTS - Elementary / Initial Flying Training School
  • AMF / Air Movements Flight (1942–45)
  • AFTS - Advanced Flying Training School (1942–45)


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